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After our coffee stop, we started to walk around the downtown area to look at some shops. "Oh, look, it is getting really cloudy. Do you think it will rain?" He asked. I stopped to look up at the sky, and it was cloudy. "Hmm, maybe, but we should be fine," I spoke.

As if by chance, it suddenly came pouring down. Arthur and I looked at each other shocked but soon started laughing. "You jinxed it, you idiot!" He laughed. His hair and clothes began to get wetter by the second. "Come on! Let's go to my car!" I spoke. I tried to use my hand to cover myself, but I was getting drenched. I grabbed his hand in mine and started to pull him to the parking lot where I had parked.

The poor rental car was going to get soaked.

We continued to run through the downpour and felt our hands grow cold. "This way!" I spoke. I quickly unlocked the car door, and we both sat inside without spare time. We looked at each other shocked, and soon started laughing, seeing how wet we had gotten. "Also, I did not jinx it! You just want to blame everything on me," I laughed.

We both looked at each other and started to laugh some more. I raced my heart, and I watched as he took his sweater off. "Damn, I'm wet," he said, annoyed. I felt my cheeks get hot, watching him push his hair back.

He was so hot!

He looked over at me, and I felt meaty stop as we looked at each other, suddenly not laughing anymore. "Francis?" He asked softly. I nodded at him in response and got closer. "Yes?" I asked. I reached my hand over to his cheek and wiped some of the water that was falling down. "I still have time to be with you. Should we go somewhere?" He asked.

I nodded my head slowly "we can dry off in my hotel room; I can get your clothes in the washer and dryer, and we can watch a movie while we wait," I explained. "That sounds amazing; let's go," he spoke. I nodded at him and immediately turned to start the car.


My heart beat faster and faster the closer we got to my hotel room. "I will get out clothes and take them down to be cleaned. You can wear something of mine till then," I explained. I opened the hotel room, and we both took off our shoes and socks. He placed his wet sweater on the floor, and I did the same with my jacket. "Thank you so much," he smiled. I had to call someone to get our clothes, and they would handle the rest.

"Here, go to the bathroom and change, and I'll grab you some clothes and a towel," I spoke. I started pushing him toward the bathroom, and he began walking.

I grabbed a shirt and some shorts and handed them to him with a towel. "Here, I'll change too while you are in there," I explained. He nodded at me and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

As I changed, a sudden realization hit me.

We were alone in a private area! I had to make sure my thoughts did not get too excited! We are just friends. I can't keep thinking these indecent thoughts! I already told myself I had moved on. How could I have fallen back into it so quickly? I'm such an idiot.

I started to take off my clothes to change, and I used an extra towel to dry my hair. It was a little cold, so I turned down the air conditioner once I finished changing.

"Where should I put these?"
"Over there, I will call someone to get them right now."
"Okay, thank you," he spoke. Arthur walked over to the pile where I left my drenched clothes, and he put his on top of mine.

We both took a seat on the bed, and I gestured for him to find something to watch. "Remember how we used to play in the rain a lot as kids," he laughed. "Oh yes! You always got so sick easily; it was funny," I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me and sat back a little.

The shirt I gave him exposed his arms and collar bone. It was the most skin I had ever seen on him. The shorts exposed his legs, and I could not help but watch him as he sat back. I could see scaring on his arms and could see some minor bruises that were nearly healed. For someone who is not "that bad," she seems to give him a lot of marks.

I started to face him, and he looked at me curiously. "What is it?" He asked. "Do you love her?" I asked. His eyes widened at my sudden question, and he sat up straight. "What brought this on all of a sudden?" He asked. I looked at him seriously and spoke again. "Well? Do you?" I asked. His face dropped, and he tried to look away from me.

He crossed his legs on the bed and looked at me seriously. "Why do you want to know?" He asked. "I'm asking if you love your wife, and you can't even answer me; that's why," I spoke seriously. His eyes widened, and soon he started to look at me angrily. "I hate you so much!" He yelled at me.

I was taken aback by his words, and I glared back. "What? It's a simple question! Do you love your wife? Yes or no?" I yelled. "I hate you so much, Francis! You piss me off with your questions!" He yelled. He tried to turn away from me, but I grabbed his shoulders to stop him. He began to push me back, but I still held onto him.

"Why can't you answer it then? Because you don't? Why can't you just be honest? She abuses you, and you still try to protect her? You must be crazy for protecting her if you don't love her! Or maybe she hit you in the head too hard?" I snapped.

His eyes widened, and he suddenly slapped me across the face. My eyes widened as I held onto my cheek. I looked at him and glared, but he was pissed. I had fucked up this time. I took it too far by saying that last part, especially pushing it.

He suddenly grabbed my face and pulled me to look at him. "I hate you so much! You are an idiot, Francis," he spoke.

Arthur suddenly kissed me on the lips, and I felt frozen as he did that. "Arthur! You are married!" I tried to say, but he started to push me down to the bed. "I don't care. Does that answer all your questions?" He said, annoyed. He looked at me seriously and gently moved some of the hair from my face. "Just kiss me."

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