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"Sorry, but we won't be able to help tonight; I am so sorry," Alfred spoke. "Yeah, same with us too, Antonio and I have baseball practice, and we are getting out late; it will just be the two of you, "Gilbert explained. I looked over to Arthur, who rolled his eyes. "That is fine, and maybe we should reschedule? We still have a lot of time before the project is due; we can just start it next week," I explained. "No! We will get behind! At least find the topic," Antonio begged. I looked to Arthur, who looked annoyed. "Fine! But we are just going to find a topic," He spoke. I smiled at them, and they all looked at us gratefully. The four of them quickly left, soon just Arthur and me in the room.

We both took a seat in front of each other, and I took a piece of paper. He placed his cheek on the palm of his hand and looked out the window to the left of me. "Valentine's day is coming up," I started. I started to write our names on the paper and looked up at him. We were coming to the end of our junior year in high school. His birthday was coming up soon; he was going to turn sixteen. "Oh, I guess you are right. Do you plan on doing anything?" he asked. He smiled at me, and I felt myself get hot.

"Ah, it is a little hot! Let's open the window," I laughed nervously. I quickly stood up and opened the window to feel better, letting a breeze in. I sat down in my seat and looked back at him. "I do not have any plan," I laughed. I felt my face getting hot as I stared at him. He smiled at me, and I felt my heart beating faster and faster. "What about you?" I asked. He shook his head, laughing. "As if any girl would find me attractive, I am lacking in that area," He spoke nervously. My eyes widened, and I shook my head.

"Do not ever say that! You have so much to offer! Anyone would be happy to be with you! NO! it would be an honor for you even to glance their way," I spoke. His eyes widened at me, and I grabbed his hand gently. The breeze blew in, and started to mess up his hair. His hair was blowing in all directions, and my hair was beginning to fall out of the ponytail I had it in. "Francis, you are such an idiot," He laughed. My heart beat faster by the second as I watched him. He meant so much to me; I cared for him and loved our friendship.

I let go of his hand, and we both looked away from each other nervously. "Say, do you like chocolate?" I asked. His head turned toward me suddenly, and I saw his face get highly red. "Uh, yeah!" His voice cracked. "Ahh! That's cool! Me too! I was just wondering, of course," I spoke nervously. He suddenly looked at me again; it was like my heart had just bloomed.

"Yeah, I prefer brownies with walnuts," he smiled at me. I nodded at what he said and felt my face feel red again. I looked toward my reflection in the window, and it was as I thought. My face was crimson red, and I felt the sweat fall from my forehead. It was like I wanted to slam my head against the desk.

"What about you?" He asked. I looked back at him and thought. "What kind of chocolate do I like?" I asked. He nodded at me, and I thought for a moment.  "Uhh... It would have to be kissed," I laughed. "Oh, that's nice," he laughed, looking away from me. I could see his cheeks grow pink from it.

He was so amazing! An amazing friend and amazing person. His hair looked rough and not soft at all, but I still wanted to touch his hair. He had scaring on his hands that he always tried to hide with his sleeves. His skin was pale, like he had not gotten much sun. He was awfully skinny and looked like he needed some food. Despite all of his apparent "imperfections" that caused him to be insecure, I still found him to be the most perfect person I've ever met. He was beautiful inside and out, and to me did not have a single thing wrong with him.

After finishing the topic, Arthur and I decided to head home. We both walked in the same direction for five minutes until we had to go our separate ways.

I looked back at him, watching him walk away, and I had this confusing feeling in my chest. It was like my mind was screaming at me, my body felt like jumping around, and my heart felt like it was going to burst. I had gotten this feeling many times around him, but it felt unbearable at the moment for some reason. It was like I needed to be beside him for this feeling to go away.

I continued watching him until he was out of sight, and I still stood there like an idiot. There was no verbal way to explain how I was feeling right now. Nothing could have prepared me for anything. I knew his brothers did not like me, but I did not want that to stop me from being close to him. I managed to get away with it for the past ten years, and I still want us to be able to stay friends.

I used my heels to turn around toward the direction of my home, and I took a deep breath out. "Well, when in doubt, shove all of those feelings deep down and ignore it forever," I laughed. I did not care enough to understand how I was feeling, and I was not going to confront it.

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