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"See you all at the game tomorrow!"

"Bring a sweater!"

"Oh, and some money!"

"Bye, everyone!"

We all said goodbye as Arthur, and I began to walk toward his home. He would lend me a book, so we had to be fast. "We have to be quick! My brothers will be home any time, and so will Ivan, so we need to hurry," he spoke worriedly. I was not afraid of them trying to do something to him in front of me, let alone to me. However, I knew he would get it after I left, so I needed to respect that. It was November, so the weather was cold. Our senior year was off to a great start, we were almost going to graduate, and Arthur and I had already decided on universities to go to.

We were both sixteen and were around a lot, almost daily. "Do you think it will snow?" He asked. I looked at the cloudy sky and rubbed my hands together. "Maybe, I just know it is going to be freezing tomorrow," I laughed, holding myself. I looked over toward him, seeing him roll his eyes. His face was buried in his thick scarf, and he had his hands in his coat pockets. I felt my cheeks red watching him, and I tried to look away. It had gotten silent between us, and I had no idea what to do. "Listen, Francis... I am thinking of moving back to England. My brothers are staying here, so I will be alone," He started. My eyes widened at what he suddenly said, and I stopped. "What?" I asked, shocked.

I was planning on staying here for university, but he is leaving. "Hey! Do not worry! We will still be friends and talk to each other daily!" he reassured. However, it did not make me feel any better. He looked at me, and I could see the hot air leaving his mouth. "I just... want to get away," He whispered. I smiled at him and placed my cold hand on his head. "I support you every step of the way; just don't forget about me," I laughed. His cheeks turned red, and I moved my hand. "I could never forget about you," he whispered. "Of course," I smiled.


When we arrived at his home, he started to take out his key. "Let's hurry," he explained. I nodded at him, and we both quickly walked. His home was messy, with old take-out bags and alcohol bottles. "I am sorry about the mess; my room is this way," he explained. I nodded and began to follow him toward the end of the hall. He slowly opened his room door and quickly pulled me in.

I felt my face heat up, smelling his scent everywhere. His room was immaculate. He was very neat and organized, as I expected. He started to take his coat off and placed it on his desk chair. I watched him take his scarf, shoes, and socks off. He was fragile as usual, as if he did not eat all the time. "let me see," he hummed. He walked over to his small bookshelf and went through all his books.

"Ah! Here it is! Tale of two cities," he smiled. I nodded, grabbing the book from him and quickly shoving it into my bag. "Thank you so much! I can't wait!" I smiled. "I should probably get going," I smiled. He nodded at me, and we stared at each other in silence. I felt my heart beating fast and suddenly placed my hands on his shoulders. "Arthur, I..."


"Listen, I lo-.."

"ARTHUR, ARE YOU TALKING TO SOMEONE?!" The door slammed open, and we both turned horrified. Crap! We did not even hear them come in. "Arthur? What is Francis doing here?" His brother looked at me. Arthur looked like he was about to be murdered. "No! I was just giving him a book," he tried to explain. His brother looked at me and suddenly started to come toward me. His brother suddenly grabbed my arm and started to pull me. "Hey! let go of him!" Arthur started to pull him off, but he was not strong enough. I looked at the brother and started pulling my arm away, but it felt like he was digging his nails in my arm. He suddenly elbowed Arthur in the face, and it caused him to fall onto the floor. I looked at him, stunned, and saw how he held his nose. blood was dripping down from the impact.

My eyes widened, and I immediately grabbed onto his brother's arm. "Why would you do that?" I asked, annoyed. He started to let go the harder I held him, and I managed to push him toward the wall. "Arthur? These are the people you hang out with? I forbid you from being friends," His brother yelled. He was holding onto his head from the impact. I quickly rushed to Arthur and started to help him with his nose. blood had started to stain his shirt. "Hey, what is going on here?" a voice spoke. We all turned, and I saw that guy standing there, Ivan. His eyes met mine, and he looked livid.

Ivan looked at me angrily at Arthur's brother on the floor. I immediately stood up from Arthur and did not want to show I was afraid. They would not hit me at all; that would be the case. Ivan walked up to me and grabbed me, and I started to pull away. "Get out now! Arthur, we will have to talk to you about bringing people over," He hissed. I looked over to Arthur, who now had tears in his eyes.

I pulled away from him again and started to help Arthur up. "I will see you at school tomorrow," I said seriously. I looked at his brother Allistor and Ivan in a way that showed, "if you hurt him, I am telling." They glared at me, and I began walking out of their house.

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