9- She Takes Everything Away

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"Father, I don't want to go.." Eliot hugs his father; doesn't understand why he needs to move out to a random person's house.

The second youngest looks up at him with his big green eyes "Why do we have to leave you father?" 

"Father please tell mother that we can fix whatever problem it is, we are a family. We have each other!" Claire is already crying, holding her father's hand tightly. 

In case of divorce, the children are the true victims. 

William can only take a deep breath, seeing his family falling apart like this truly hurts. He knows that it will affect his children wellbeing, although he is hurt, he knows that his children are more important.

"Don't worry kids, I will visit you often. We can still meet regularly and of course you are welcome here anytime. This is your home." 

"But we still don't want to go, what is the problem? Why can't we fix it?" 

Yes, William didn't tell his children that their mother cheats on him. As the head of the family, he needs to protect their mental health. 

But seeing the state of them now, he knows that he needs to speak with Bree. 

"Okay, let's go kids. The cart is ready." Bree walks into the living room, taking the kids away. 

"Mother, can we not go? We want to stay, please!"

" Yes, Mother... pleaseee." Claire is still sobbing.

Bree shakes her head, taking their hands and leading them outside to the chartered horse-cart. 

William looks at Bree hopelessly, still cannot understand why she had to do all this. Did she not, ever, think about their kids? And how this will affect them? 

Everything starts to sink in when he sees all of his kids walk out the main door. He clenches his fist; this is his reality now.  Sitting alone in the big manor, starring blankly at the high ceiling.  A cold cold emptiness. 

Is falling in love a good enough reason to ruin an entirely happy family? 


Christian came to pick up the kids and their stuff that day, box after box leaves the grand house. He subconsciously looks at the duke that is sitting alone in the middle of the room. He can see the tears in his eyes pilling up but still trying to put up a strong face for his children. He can only hold his breath, feeling sorry for the duke.

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