Chapter Two

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The New Girl

The first two weeks living in the Rose/Xiao Long household was an adjustment for Charlie. For one thing she had to keep going to a court room so they could decide what should happen to her. Much to her, Summer's, and Taiyang's relief the judge was fairly agreeable and so the case had been over and done quickly in favor of Charlie being left in with Summer And Taiyang as her legal guardians. Charlie got along with Both of them well enough, and she was becoming great friends with Ruby and Yang. A fact that would be good for her down the line considering the fact they were now legally her sisters.

Charlie was grateful of them for not bringing up her father or the incident. Whether they knew about it or not she was glad she didn't have to answer questions about it. Especially since she didn't know the answers herself. Charlie did find that she got along with Ruby much better than she did with Yang though, but Charlie believes that it's because her and Ruby are both pretty socially awkward.

Apparently Summer Rose was supposed to have gone on a mission as a huntress, but when news of what happened to Charlie's father came that plan was halted. The only good news to come from that apparently was the fact that Summer had inadvertently dodged a metaphorical bullet, maybe even a real one. One of the nights in the first two weeks Charlie overheard a conversation between Summer, Taiyang, her new Uncle Qrow, and a man named Ozpin. Apparently the mission Summer was supposed to have gone on was a suicide mission. She had missed the details on why that was, but she was grateful for it. At least in his death her father had saved another life.

As a few years went on Charlie stopped thinking about those events. It was like her mind wouldn't let her. Right now Charlie is Seven years old with Yang a year older, and Ruby a year younger. They were entering the cafeteria all with home made lunches in brown paper bags courtesy of Summer Rose. Despite being in different years they all shared a lunch. Ruby was wearing a black hoodie with a red interior and a matching knee length skirt, Yang was wearing a yellow tank top and jeans, and Charlie was wearing a dark green jacket over a purple T shirt. She was also wearing a pair of jeans and black combat boots the last of which Ruby copied.

"Where should we sit?" Ruby asks looking between Yang and Charlie. Yang gave Charlie a questioning glance before the two began looking out to the sea of tables. Charlie quickly noticed a girl their age with long strait Blake hair sitting alone at one of the tables.

"How about there?" Charlie suggests pointing to the table with the lone girl.

Yang shrugs with a grin. "Sure!" She says cheerfully.

As the three approach Charlie manages to get a better look at her. She had fair skin that seemed lightened, and dark brown eyes. She wore several bracelets only visible because the sleeves of her black hoodie were rolled up to her elbows. She was also wearing two black necklaces. She recognized that this was the 'new girl' or as some of the more immature classmates started calling her 'The Grimm Girl'.

As the Charlie and her sister sat down the 'new girl' gave them a look of curiosity. "Do you mind if we sit here?" Charlie asks politely.

The girl shrugs. "You already are. Besides I don't own the table." She says.

"Thanks. I'm Charlie, and these are my sisters." Charlie gestures to Yang and Ruby.

"I'm Ruby." Ruby introduces.

"And I'm the pretty one, Yang." Charlie and Ruby roll their eyes and the girl raises a brow with a hint of a grin.

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