Chapter Three

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Fred Bear's Secret

Summer sat on the bed starring at the yellow Fred plush with indecision. Looking back to the key in her hand she hears his voice again. If something should ever happen to me, insert that key into a small hole on the bottom of Fred's microphone. Closing her eyes with a sigh she gets up looking back to the Fred plush. She walks over grabbing the toy from her childhood and squeezed his free left hand allowing a bit of Audio to play. It was a song Henry called the Toreador's March. As the song played Summer found herself calming down and smiling.

Once the song finished Summer sighs again. She sets Fred down on the bed and inserts the key into the microphone. Once she twisted it she heard a click and the top of the microphone popped off. She was startled by this and grabbed the top of the microphone. She frowns as she inspects it noticing a swivel latch. Twisting the latch open she saw a simple note inside. Grabbing the note she unfolds it to see Henry's writing.

Dear Summer,

I know you'll have many questions as to why I've left you this letter, but I assure you that I have my reasons for it. I fear that someone from my past might have followed me. A man named William Afton. Should you ever meet this man do NOT trust anything the man says. He is dangerous, but thankfully he's somewhat predictable. I need you to find all of the notes and blueprints in my home and burn them, and if possible the house as well. I want you to wait till the fire stops with your weapon, and to kill whatever climbs through the ashes. I've noticed things in my house in places they shouldn't be, and I've been hearing noises in the walls. Everything in my will should be left to you to hopefully make things easier for that. I also leave it all to you because I know you wouldn't abandoned my Daughter. Keep her, yourself, and your family safe, please.

-Your friend,

Summer was baffled by the letter. Even more so by a few things stated in it. His will for one thing only had stated that he wanted Summer and Taiyang to take care of Charlotte. There was also his money which he left to Summer. His property however was currently owned by the Island Of Patch because the Will made no mention of it. Now however Summer was wondering if something happened to it. Putting down the note she pulls out her Scroll. Scrolls are an object which function as a collapsible, holographic tablet. It can be used as a phone, a portable computer, a camera, and even a gaming controller.

On her Scroll she opens up a tab in the browser looking up Henry's house. It was considered abandoned. Due to its location it's considered a possible Grimm danger zone. She sighs in relief. That made things vary simple. Buildings and houses were abandoned all over Remnant for various reasons. Usually from Grimm but there were some exceptions. Henry's house was one of those exceptions particularly because a large group of Beowolves inhabited the area after his death due to the negativity.

Summer folded the letter up again, and placed it back into the top part of the microphone. She then popped it back into place on the bottom part  before grabbing the key and hanging it around her neck. She then grabbed Fred and set him back on her dresser with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't read it sooner." She says to the plush.


As Taiyang waited in front of Evergreen Elementary he ponders an idea he had. He pushes that thought to the side as he sees Yang, Ruby, and Charlie accompanied by a fourth girl. The four were giggling about something Yang had said though he couldn't hear what it was due to all of the other children rushing to get to their parents and homes. Ruby was the first to spot him and he waves.

"Daddy!" Ruby shouts excitedly. That's when the four rush over with Ruby crashing into Taiyang with a hug causing him to laugh.

"Hey Rose Petal! How was your day?!" He asks with equal enthusiasm.

"Good!" She says with a giggle.

"That's great to here!" He says.

"Hey dad." Yang says with a calm tone though she was still smiling. He gives her a fist bump and she giggles while Charlie simply stood there enjoying the moment.

"So who's this?" Taiyang asks gesturing to the forth in the group.

"Millie." The girl introduces.

Taiyang snaps his fingers in recognition. "Fitzsimmons right?" He asks earning a surprised nod. "That's great! Met your grandfather today."

"You did?" She questions.

"Yup. We're the neighbors in the house on the same street." Taiyang explains.

"The one down the dirt path?" She asks with familiarity in her eyes.

"That's the one." Taiyang confirms causing the four girls to share excited glances. "If you ever want to say hi to the girls just drop by and say hello."

"Thank you sir." Millie says gratefully. She then looked over her shoulder to see her grandfather looking for her. "I should go, but it was nice meeting you." She says looking to Taiyang before turning to Ruby, Charlie, and Yang. "I'll see you tomorrow." She says as she takes off.

"See you tomorrow!" Ruby shouts. Yang giggles and gets in the car with Charlie following close behind. After a moment the whole family was in the car heading home.

Along the way Taiyang turns the rearview mirror to see the three girls in the back seat. "So from what I remember today your supposed to have report cards." He says Charlie pulled hers out shaking it to showcase he was right. Taiyang hadn't planned to read them while driving, but he had mentioned it to see their reactions. He wasn't worried about Charlie for two reasons. One she had a calm, almost board expression, and Two because she hadn't gotten anything lower than an A- all year. A's just seemed to come naturally to her. Ruby seemed nervous, but somewhat excited so he concluded her grades were probably pretty good. Yang however looked to have gone pale, and was nervously tapping her leg with her fingers.

Taiyang smirks as he put his focus back fully on road. He had gotten his answers without even seeing the grade yet. The rest of the ride was filled with Ruby, and Charlie talking about the day. Yang's lack of talking confirmed his suspicions. She definitely had some bad grades.

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