Chapter Seven

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Charlie and Ruby hadn't seen Taiyang for nearly a month, and when they did his eyes were red, and his mood was poor. Summer had been taking care of them nearly by herself until last week when Qrow came back from a mission and decided to stay and help out. When he heard the news of what happened he wasn't just upset but angered beyond belief. What made matters worse was the fact that the murder was believed to be connected to Henry's death as well, and all lead's the Huntsman and police had ran cold.

They still got to see Millie at school, and thankfully she didn't bring up the incident. Things were weird for the first week and a half. Most of the other students and teachers had kept apologizing to them and wearing expressions of pity. After that though their school life had mainly gone back to normal.

Currently it was night and the girls were at home with Charlie holding onto a sleeping Ruby who was snuggled up beside the older sister. Ruby had come in crying and Charlie read her a story called The Warrior In The Woods. Ruby fell asleep at some point hugging her small arms around Charlie's waist like she was a giant teddy bear. Charlie didn't mind though. She appreciated the company as Ruby had actually woken her up from a rather realistic nightmare. She couldn't quite remember what it was though. She remembered having the nightmare, but she couldn't remember many details about it. Charlie looked down to the sleeping Ruby with a smile before closing her eyes and drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


Summer takes one last step up the stairs only to see Ruby's door open and the light on she frowns and approches looking in and noting Ruby was absent from it. Many thoughts came to mind but she took a deep breath and looks over to Charlie's door which was also slightly open. Summer walks over cracking the door open and sighing softly in relief at the sight of the two girls sleeping. She closes the door quietly before looking down the hall to see the room Tai and her shared.

Before she moves however she sees Qrow walk on up from the stairs. "Are the girls okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." Summer states. "Ruby apparently wanted to sleep with Charlie. Probably a nightmare."

Qrow nods. "I say that's a good sign. Some siblings would alienate one another after something like that."

Summer could help but agree. "Has Ozpin said anything on it?" She asks, her voice cracking slightly at the end.

Qrow grimaced. "Yeah, he even had some specialists from Atlas take a look into it thanks to Jimmy, but the trails gone cold. It's like this killers disappeared. No trace of who they are or where they are, and that company, Fazbear Entertainment states that they couldn't find their yellow rabbit costume." Summer closed her eyes as a tear came to her eye, biting her lip to help keep her composure. Then she felt Qrows arm gently pat her shoulder. "We'll find the bastard. I don't care if I have to check under every rock on Remnant."

Summer nods an agreement before turning her gaze back to Charlie's door. "I just hope we do so soon." She says. Her mind drifted back to Henry's letter. She would protect Ruby and Charlotte no matter what it took. Summer took a sharp breath as tears began welling up again. She wouldn't fail again, because she knows she couldn't live with herself if she did. She wasn't even sure she could now after what happened to Yang.

She wipes her eyes before walking past Qrow and down the stairs. Summer stops at the couch grabbing her white cloak off it and the weapon Henry made for her. She hadn't named it for a long time but over these past few weeks. There it was engraved on the handle the name she gave it. Restless. She wasn't sure why she chose the name but she felt that it was the right name. Putting on her cloak she pulled up the hood, and walked out the door to the front yard. She took only four steps before she heard a thud behind her.

Looking over her shoulder Summer wasn't surprised to see Raven once again maskless. Raven's eyes were red from tears Summer knew she wouldn't admit to, and her face was in a cold scowl. Summer turned fully to face her, and noted that Raven didn't have her free hand on the handle of Omen, her weapon. Her jaw was set and the anger Raven held was obvious. The two stood there staring at one another for a few moments before Raven finally broke the silence.

"Your going after her killer aren't you." It wasn't a question. Ravens red eyes blazing with emotion waited a few tense seconds before Summer replies.

"I am." Summer says. "Your welcome to come along if you want."

Raven's expression softened slightly almost unnoticeably. "Do you have a lead?" Raven asks.

"Not really." Summer says honestly. "But I'm looking into someone named William Afton." Raven narrows her eyes though gave a gesture for Summer to explain. "Henry left a note. It said that William Afton was a dangerous man and that he was not to be trusted."

Raven ponders the information for a moment. "And you think this William Afton is involved?" Raven asks.

Summer gives a sorta gesture which causes Raven to raise a brow. "I'm not sure. I believe what happened to Henry is related to... what happened at Freddy's." Summer decided it was best not to mention Yang's name. "It's not much but it's the only lead I have which is better than what the Police have found. They have found nothing to point to a suspect. ."

Raven nods accepting the explanation. "Then let's find this William Afton, and find out why he's 'dangerous'." Raven says. Summer nods and the two begin walking down the dirt road. This would be an interesting hunt.


Miles away a boy with black hair named Lie Ren sits at a table with another boy who had messy brown hair, and a girl with bright orange hair. The girl Ren knew as Nora Valkyrie. The two had been traveling together since the destruction of their home Kuroyuri three months ago. That was the past though as hard as it is to accept. Currently they were in a Mistral Orphanage eating lunch. The boy sitting with Ren and Nora turned his green eyes to find the two staring at him.

Raising a brow he breaks the silence. "What?" The boy asks.

Ren shakes his head. "Sorry." He says "I guess we were just curious if you were going to introduce yourself."

The boy seemed to ponder the question briefly before shrugging. "I don't see why not." He decides. "I'm John."

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