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    The car ride to school was quiet. The light music played in the background playing goodbyes by post Malone. My mom had left me a note this morning saying she had been called into work. She's a doctor so she's always called in at weird times. It was only me in the car and I was dressed in all black for the football game tonight.
    I wasn't much of a school spirit person but my friend Dani was a cheerleader so she always forced me to dress up. I hated dressing up for school most days. I wanted to wear plaid pajama pants with a random hoodie but that was against the dress code.
    Most days I wore baggy jeans and a shirt with some converse. Even today I wore black baggy jeans and a random black butterfly shirt. As soon as I park there's knocking on my window and Dani is jumping into the passenger side.
     "You dressed up today!" She says happily looking at my outfit then taking a sip of my coffee. I don't answer back going on my phone scrolling through tiktok.
     "You know Dorin and Alix broke up." Dani says getting my attention as I look over at her. "He caught Alix cheating in his own bed."
     "Really?" I say before looking at Dorins parking spot. His black truck sat just beside a black jeep. "I should go check on him."


     I quickly get out of the car and walk over to his parking spot. Dorin notices me and signals for me to get in. His window was down and he was talking a Finn the star quarterback.
     "Hey." I say jumping into his truck and shutting the door. "Hey Lux. I'm guessing you're here to check on me?" Dorin asked looking straight ahead.
     "Yeah.." "well there's not much anyone can do. If I need you I'll text you. You can come to my game tonight.." Dorin says already answering what I was planning on saying.
     "Ok.. I was planning on going anyways. Home game right?" I ask him looking over at the brown haired boy parked next to Dorin. His almost long hair reached to his eyes. Every so often he would brush it out of his face laughing at something he'd seen on his phone. His shoulders are the kind only nice guys get in high school. His eyes are hazel brown and glisten everytime he looks into the sky.
     "Yeah. It's a home game." Dorin says forcing me to look away from Him. "I'll be there." I say smiling lightly before leaning back then remembering Dani's in my car.
     "Can Dani come over here?" I asked Dorin pointing at Dani who looked like she was on the phone with someone.
     "Yeah." Dorin says not looking up from his phone. I text Dani who just says ok and gets out of the car. Before she can even make it to the truck she gets stopped by Grayson. Grayson had short brown hair and was always wearing hey dudes or cowboy boots. He was very country and tended to always play country music when he had Aux. he was Dani's boyfriend since 10th grade.
      They both walked over and jumped into the back of dorins truck. "Morning." Grayson said while Dani stayed quiet. We sat there until it was five minutes til school started.

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