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"Dani, I'll meet you at mine!" I yell across the parking lot knowing Dani wanted to go with the group to the skate park. The group was Vincent, Emerson, Dani, Olli, Symphony and Lavender. Lavender was one of those aesthetically pleasing girls but like the edgy type ones if that makes sense. Vincent was a quieter guy who if you got to know him was talkative especially with Emerson who had long dirty blonde hair and was always dressed in champion.
"Shoot, let me call Dani." I say talking to myself wanting to go to dunkin before heading home. "Hey."
"Hey. So I'm going to dunkin before I head to mine you want soemthing?" I ask her as I pull out of the school. "Yes. A frozen Mocha latte." "Kk bye."
I hang it up before she could even answer and head to the dunkin just down the street.
"Lucien come show me what your wearing!" Yelled my mom from the kitchen as Dani and I had just gotten home from the skatepark. I look over at Dani who was laying in a swinging chair I had in my room. Dani looks at me with and smirk and jumps up. I follow close after her confused on what shes doing.
      "Hi Mom! Did you know Lux isnt going to Homecoming?" Dani asked my mom who looked at me with a sad expression.
       "Its your last year you should go Lucien." My mom says making me sigh and look away from her. "Ill think about it but until then dont bother me about it please."
      Dani jumps up and down super excited for no reason. I just laugh at her while my mom talks about what we are gonna do for dinner.


     When Dani and I arrived at the game we headed to the locker rooms where the cheerleaders got dressed. I stayed with her till she had to go and stand on the field.
      The stands had filled quickly and the student section was filling up. "Hey Lux!" Yelled Lavender who was stood at the front of the student section with her short dyed blonde hair pushed out of her face.
      "Hey Lux. I saved you a space!" Yelled my other friend emma over the band practicing. She had long brown hair with vibrant blonde highlights.
      As were waiting for the game to start Emma turns quickly to me. "Grayson tore his ACL." Says Emma which makes my jaw drop quickly. Did Dani know about this? Just like it was rehearsed Grayson is being wheeled away while Dani follows closely behind him.
      Grayson looks like hes about to cry as i run over to them. He really wanted to play his senior year and now there is no way he can. "If theres anything you guys need. Call me." Say to Dani who was obviously going to go to the hospital with Grayson.
     "Lux." Grayson motions me to come over before they put him on the hemsi. "Tell me how the game goes." He says making me laugh and nod. "Ok Gray. Be safe." I say to him patting him on the shoulder before they put him in the hemsi.


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