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We won the game. The mvp being Dorin who played amazing even after being broken up with.I made sure to call Dani and Grayson while I waited for my mom outside the football field. Voices come out from behind me as I get a text. "Called into work. Try and find a ride home. Love you."
My moms a doctor so this happens often. "Hey Lux. Why are you still here?" Says a voice I recognized as Dorin behind me. I turn around and shrug. "Can you take me home? My mom got called into work."
Dorin sighs which is a bad sign. "I wish I could but my mom wants me home right now But..." Dorin says looking around before grabbing onto Finn and dragging him over. "Finn here could probably take you home."
Dorin pats finn on the chest and Finn looks over at me confused. "Its fine, I can walk." "No. No i can take you home." Finn says smiling a little looking insecure? Like not uncomfortable but like scared like he's never talked a girl before.
"Thanks.." I say and with that Dorin is walking into the parking lot and im following close behind Finn. We get into Finns jeep and its quite for a second before Finn gets the courage to speak.
"Do you wanna go to Lucid Cafe? I dont feel like going home right now. I'm too happy about winning." He says and I just smile in love with coffee and Lucid cafe. Lucid cafe is owned by Symphonys dad. "Sure."


"So do you play any sports?" Finn Questioned looking up at me from his hot coffee. "Yeah um one." I say a little confused on what hes asking. "Tell me about it." He says making eye cantact and showing me that hes truly interested.
"Uh Soccer? Um well I play both club and school. I dont really know what you want me to explain." I Laugh a little at my answer which he just smile keeping that same eye contact that would make any other girl form into a puddle in there seats.
"What makes you like it so much?" His question took me off guard for a second He truly did care about what I thought. "..Well its like a second home. Once I step on the field its like all my problems are gone and I can just focus on the game. Im guessing its like that for you with football right?" I turn the question back on him staring deep into his brown eyes as something sparks in them and he perks up. "Yeah you get! I hope one day I can go to college and play on a team. Hopefully play in the NFL. That would be the dream." He Smiled like he would forever be in love with Football. It was his dream.

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