Chapter 6

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"Wow are these sheep? I've only heard of them from MorningFlower!" W/n mewed in amazement as she approached the fluffy animal.

"Be careful, W/n," BrambleClaw warned as the sheep was starting at them. "They could hurt us."

"They look like they haven't seen Cats before," CrowPaw growled. W/n sniffed at one of the sheep lying down close to the fence.

It look at her and then proceeded to sniff her, then lick her face. "Oh great StarClan, that's nasty!"

W/n ran back towards the group, FeatherTail looked at her and laughed, "your fur on the side of your face is stuck up."

"It is?" W/n asked nervously as SquirrelPaw turned around and laughed. The p/c she-cat quickly smoothed it down with her paw.

"Why are we heading to the sun-drown-place anyway?" FeatherTail asked as they walked through the moors.

"Because BrambleClaw had a stupid dream about it that's why!" CrowPaw growled as he started at the brown tabby. "He's the only one to have seen the sun-drown-place!"

W/n flattened her ears, wondering why this WindClan cat was so bitter at the ThunderClan warrior. "Actually FeatherTail has had the same dream."

SquirrelPaw raised her tail as she stared at CrowPaw, "see it's not only BrambleClaw, and it wasn't his fault to have a second dream, nor FeatherTail."

CrowPaw let out a bad tempered snarl before continuing. BrambleClaw lowered his head as if he was thinking about his doubts.

As it became sunhigh they reached a thunderpath, "how are we supposed to know what's on the other side?" CrowPaw hissed.

W/n narrowed her eyes at the hedge, StormFur sniffed the air carefully, getting nothing. "Maybe we should all cross at the same time?" He suggested.

BrambleClaw nodded, "yeah, if all seven of us go together we can deal with whatever's on the other side."

"Well what are we waiting for?" W/n meowed as she got ready to go over, FeatherTail joined her side, along with TawnyPelt.

The seven clan cats all formed a line, one monster rumbled past fast, shaking the black path.

"Now!" BrambleClaw yowled, everyone scrambled over the thunderpath and fought against the prickly hedge,

W/n gasped as she exited to the other side, lifting her head only to see that no other cat was with her.

"FeatherTail? StormFur? Anyone?" W/n looked around, then realised that she was in a twoleg garden.


It was TawnyPelt, the calico padded up to her and greeted her with a touch on the nose. "The others have been separated from us."

"I can see that..." W/n mewed with worry, where was FeatherTail? Suddenly a twoleg came over to them yelling and kicking off with a strange object in hand.

He swung at the two cats and hit W/n on the back, she let out a yowl and retaliated back with a scratch on the hairless paw.

The twoleg hissed as he held his foot and swung again, TawnyPelt quickly fled and W/n followed her as the Twoleg tried to chase them.

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