Captain America: The First Avenger

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I've heard that this is one of the least popular Marvel movies.... Which I don't understand because I thought and I still think it's a great movie

This was the first Marvel movie I saw, I was like 8 at the time, so it was scary and cool.

Seeing pre-serum Steve, my first thought was, he is so smol! I mean.... Look! ⬇️

He's so cute! No wonder Bucky wants to protect him

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He's so cute! No wonder Bucky wants to protect him. I bet this is what happened:

Bucky: *sees Steve standing up for someone*

Bucky: That kid looks like he could get snapped like a twig.


Bucky: Imma keep him


Then later, you got this small bean in the military, all because he agreed to be an experiment. 

His helmet's too big, he can barely carry the gun. One of the other guys thinks it's funny to be a jerk to him.

But I think one of my favorite scenes is where he manages to roast the whole military without saying a word.

The squad is jogging down a path and they come up to a flag pole, the Sargent says if you can get the flag, you get to ride in a truck for the rest of the jog. The whole Squad races over to the pole and start trying to climb it, being unsuccessful.

Then here comes little Steve! Out of breath, just making it to the flagpole, he walks over, unbolts the flagpole so it falls down, then just casually grabs the flag and gives it to the Sargent.

The whole Squad is shocked, but Peggy's like: Finally! Someone smart!

I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this, but you know when the scientist threw a fake grenade to prove that Steve was a good choice for the experiment and Steve covered it with his own body?
Did anyone notice Peggy also start to rush forward too?

When Steve was on his way to the lab place with Peggy, that whole car scene was so cute and funny. I think that was the moment Peggy started to fall for itty bitty Steve.

Or she just feels bad for him as he lists all the alleyways he got beat up as they pass them.

Or she just feels even more bad for him when he says he doesn't know how to talk to women due to the fact he could be stepped on.

As soon as they walked into that lab, my first thought was the chamber Steve was going to get in looked like a coffin.

If I were Steve, I would've probably peed my pants as soon as I saw the giant needles on that thing.

Then, after Steve is hooked up to the machine, Howard Stark comes in. Since Steve had already seen his failed flying car, his face was just like, oh shit.

Then you got big buff Steve!

But then you have big buff Steve who just stopped a Hydra assassin, doing propaganda shows, knocking out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.

Then he did that one show for the soldiers and they only wanted to see the pretty ladies 😆

When Steve was on the plane, going behind enemy lines, Peggy and Howard Stark were talking about fondue 😂

Steve: So...... You two.....fondue?

And Peggy is just so confused

And another thing, when that secretary forced Steve to kiss her and Peggy saw, you can tell Peggy got jealous!  
She later whips out a gun and shoots at Steve to test the shield without a single word!

This just popped into my mind, Peggy punching that one guy across the face, being the badass she is.

And I know I'm skipping ahead a bit, but when Steve, the Colonel and Peggy are in that military vehicle chasing after the plane that the Red Skull is in, and Peggy kisses Steve goodbye, he looks at the Colonel and the Colonels first response is "I'm not kissing you!"

Now I'm skipping back, remember when Steve was breaking the soldiers that were captured? Well the soldiers were like who are you? And Steve's like I'm Captain America. And the soldiers thought he was being funny until he said he had knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.

And when Steve rescued Bucky:

Steve: I thought you were dead

Bucky: I thought you were smaller

Then later, Steve, now accompanied by Bucky, are breaking the rest of the soldiers out, they meet Red Skull and Bucky is like, please don't tell me you look like that too


I know I'm skipping around, but even Colonel helped invade Hydra's base and this interaction 😂:

Hydra soldier: Cut off one head, two more shall-!*gets shot by Colonel*

Colonel: *pumps gun*
Let's find two more!

Ok, now this one just makes me sad.
When Bucky fell off the train
I was 8 years old, and it made me cry

Ok, I think I'm done rambling about this movie now, time for the next one!

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