Chapter 34/Epilogue: Denouement. (Final Chapter)

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Chresanto’s POV:

Janelle spent a while upstairs talking to her father. I didn’t mind. She hadn’t seen him in a while, so she deserves the right to catch up on things with him. But she was missing out on a little party. In the Stevensons’ second living room, which was a little bit smaller than the first, all of us were having fun and talking. It was me, the boys, and Bianca. The adults were in the other living room. Janelle was the only one missing.

Finally, after Bianca finished playing Miguel’s Arch N Point on the stereo for the fifth time, Janelle walked in. She looked a little bit shaken, but happy at the same time. “What’s up?” Prod asked her.

“You won’t believe what my parents were doing while we were gone.” She replied. Bianca giggled.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that.” She said.

“Mention what?” I asked them.

“My mom is pregnant.” Janelle slumped down on the couch. We were all surprised. “I mean, I’m happy, but a little head’s up would be nice.”

“Sorry.” Bianca said.

“It’s okay. You shouldn’t be the one to tell me. It’s their child. They should let me know. But it’s whatever.” Janelle said to Bianca. I sat down on the couch next to her and put my arm around her. She cuddled into my embrace and sighed.

“I don’t want them to think they can replace Junior.  No one can ever replace him.” She whispered.

“I know, Janelle. I know.”

“Let’s dance, y’all!” Bianca said. Rihanna’s ‘What’s My Name?’ started playing. Janelle and I stood up and started to dance. So did Prince and Bianca. Prod and Ray looked at each other, seeing that they had no choice to dance with each other. We laughed as they danced with each other like the rest of us.

I looked over at Prince and Bianca. They looked to happy together. They were right for each other. I looked away from them and into Janelle’s eyes, and I remembered the first time I saw her. I laughed, remembering how tongue tied I was.

“What’s so funny?” She asked. I kissed her softly.

“I love you.”

“Speak now or forever hold your peace.” She says in a playfully deep voice.

“I guess I’ll be holding my peace forever, then.” I reply. She pouts.

“Come on, Roc! Please? Just tell me what you were talking about with my Dad.” She groans. I laugh at her frustration.

“You really want to know? Fine. Your dad finally signed me to Last Kings. I’m officially a rapper. Happy?” I blurt out. She sits there in shock, and then suddenly leaps onto me for a hug. She’s yelling in joy for me, and I laugh at her.

King then comes in, asking a question that was pure gibberish. She giggles at his baby-talk, and mocks what he said. He leaps onto the bed in a fit of giggles, laughing at nothing in particular. I think about the three of us together on the bed, and wonder what it would be like if she and I had a family. It would be nice, but maybe when we’re older. Not now. I won’t let us make the same mistakes that Jay and Bee made.

I woke up out of the dream sweating, as I always do when I dream. It was nice to have a dream like that. I didn’t know what it meant, but the vibe felt good. I took a sip of the water on the bedside table, and sat up on the mattress. I slept in Janelle’s room for the night, since my mother said she’d pick me up later today. She wasn’t mad about me leaving Wesley early. The boys’ parents picked them up last night, though.

“Janelle, you up?” I asked. She nodded.

“Come up here.” Janelle said. I got off the blow-up mattress and crawled into her bed. “Chresanto, what do you think is going to happen now? You know, now that we’re back. What’s next?” She asked me.

I sighed. I had been having the same thoughts, but a bunch of random ideas were flowing through my head. “Well, for starters, your mom’s going to give birth to that baby.”


“After that…we’ll see when we get there, Janelle.” I told her. I was drifting back to sleep. I needed a few more hours of rest.

“Okay. You’re right.” Janelle planted a light kiss on my forehead, probably seeing that I was dozing off. She turned off her lamp and we cuddled ourselves to sleep. Things were calm for now. There was no more drama. Everything felt peaceful. Any more dramatic events to come seemed to be far from now. The present was serene. I liked it that way. I hoped it would stay that way.

It was almost unbelievable how quiet things were, though. Maybe because I wasn’t awake. Maybe because I was sleeping. I guess that’s our calmest point, right? We’re only truly calm at one point.



Two Years Later.

“Speak now or forever hold your peace.” Janelle says in a playfully deep voice.

“I guess I’ll be holding my peace forever, then.” I reply. She pouts.

“Come on, Roc! Please? Just tell me what you were talking about with my Dad.” She groans. I laugh at her frustration.

“You really want to know? Fine. Your dad finally signed me to Last Kings. I’m officially a rapper. Happy?” I blurt out. Janelle sits there in shock, and then suddenly leaps onto me for a hug. She’s yelling in joy for me, and I laugh at her.

King then comes in, asking a question that was pure gibberish. She giggles at his baby-talk, and mocks what he said. He leaps onto the bed in a fit of giggles, laughing at nothing in particular. I think about the three of us together on the bed, and wonder what it would be like if she and I had a family. It would be nice, but maybe when we’re older. Not now. I won’t let us make the same mistakes that Jay and Bee made.

Things are much different now, if you really think about it. Just two years ago I was a part of Mindless Behavior. Now, Mindless Behavior doesn’t even exist. The group is over. Prod, who is now known to us as ‘Cringe’, lives in Philly. Prince, or ‘Jay’, has a baby at his house with Bianca, or ‘Bee’. Ray-Ray, whose name stayed the same, is getting offered basketball scholarships everywhere he turns. Sapphire moved to Hawaii, not to mention found a boyfriend there.

Tyga and Ms. Jaydi are happy with their new son, King Cairo Stevenson. Adè and China had a daughter, Alicia. And as for Janelle and I…I’m rapping, signed to Tyga’s label. Janelle’s doing well with her modeling gig. We’re all alright. None of us are perfect, but we’re doing just fine.

And as for those credentials of fame…

Well, let’s just say you can call that history.

A/N: Yeah, that’s the end, lovelies. ‘Credentials of Fame’ is finally over. I know the ending of Living in the Careless World was way better, but I tried. :) Anyway, thank you all for supporting this story and its prequel. I really appreciate it.

By the way, if you’re a fan of this story, you might enjoy my others. (A Slum Love Crime, Black Waters.)

Credentials of Fame (Tyga/Roc Royal Story) *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now