chapter 3

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We left the bathroom and finney went to his class and we walked out of the school.

Me and robin planned on just skipping at the back of the school since most people don't go back there instead of going home. We walked to the back of the school and robin pulled something out of his pocket and held it up, it was a pack of cigarettes and a lighter"you smoke?" He asked and I pulled out my Mr fog air that was blue raspberry ice flavored (sorry if you don't smoke/ vape but in this you do 🤭 and ik vapes were a thing back then I think? Lol but let's just pretend) he smiled and lit his cigarette taking a long puff

I hit my vape and then robin said something "yo what flavor is that?" He asked "blue raspberry ice" I replied and he took it from my hand gently and took a hit, he puffed his cheeks out to make it into a ball so he could inhale it back in making a ghost (nice explanation chelby😭😭💀) he handed it back to me "that shits lit" robin said "yah ik its my favorite flavor"

We talked for a bit and soon it was the end of the school day. Me and robin started heading towards the front of the school meeting up with finney and Gwen

"Hey y/n!!" Gwen yelled running towards me

"Hey gwenny!" I said hugging her

" okay let's get this sleep over started" robin said and we all started walking to finney and Gwen's house

A couple hours past and all we did was just lay around hanging out and me and robin were vaping, robin sorta took over my vape since he discovered that he loves the flavor lmao "ughhh I'm bored" I said "oo! How about we play truth or dare" Gwen said sitting up real fast

"Bet" robin said and finney agreed

"Okay soooo y/n truth or dare" Gwen said

"Uhh truth" I said

"Is it true that you have a crush" she said

I thought about who I had a crush on while zoning out but no one came to my mind except him. Robin mother fucking arellano

"Hello earth to y/n!" Gwen said

"Oh uhm yea it's true" I said
"Truth or dare finney"

"Dare" he said

Robins pov

Gwen asked y/n if she had a crush and I got super nervous and scared she may say no for some reason. Y/n spaced out which made me wonder what or who she was thinking about. "Hello earth to y/n" Gwen said "oh uhm yea it's true" y/,n said. My heart dropped, she likes someone who tho? Was it me? Wait why am I even sad about this wait do I like her? Yea I think I like her.. I like y/n mother fucking L/n this can't be possible. Jeez why can't I stop thinking about her
End of pov

I noticed robin was looking like he was thinking about something. He seem down "hey you okay robin?" I asked but he didn't respond  so I tapped his shoulder "you okay?" I asked concerned and this time he replied  "uh yea I'm okay" he said which was a clear like I could tell by his voice, it was a fast response and he kinda sounded mad??

"Robin what's wrong" I whispered to him low enough only he could hear me "I said I'm fine y/n" he said with a stern voice. Bullshit I know a lie when I hear it   I got up and grabbed his hand dragging him into the bathroom "hey where are yall going!" Finn yelled "I need to talk with robin it will only take a few minutes!" I yelled back as we entered the bathroom. I closed the door and made sure I locked it, I sighed and turn to face robin

"Now tell me whats wrong" I said with my hands crossed infront of my chest

"You really wanna know don't you! You just won't shut up about it" robin said

" no and I'm not going to until you tell me what's wrong robin!" I said whisper yelling so it won't sound as if we're fighting

Robin sighed and all of a sudden he grabbed my shoulders pinning me to the bathroom wall while heavy breathing, I could feel his breath on my neck that's how close he was, it sent shivers down my whole body

"Fine you really wanna know" he said smirking that Infamous smirk of his, God I love that smirk it makes whole body weak (😩😩 idk why but this emoji felt needed right here)

"Y-yes, now tell me robin" I said, my breath shaking

"Who do you like, I don't want you go like anyone else but me y/n" his voice was filled with demanding and it was honestly so hot

"W-what w-why do you care?" I ask getting nervous and looking down

He grabbed my chin and made me look up at him we made eye contact for a few seconds

"R-robin we should get back to the o-others" I said stuttering from the intense eye contact he sighed.

In a blink of an eye before I knew out lips were touching I'm kissing freaking robin arellano he pulled away from the kiss and leaned down to whisper in my ear

"They can wait just a bit longer~" he said and shivers went through my whole body as his lips were kissing my neck

"R-ro..r-robin" he kissed and sucked my neck harder than before and I started to squirm around trying to break free

I could feel thst smirk of his appear while he kissed my neck

"Robin!! Y-you can't leave marks!"

"Watch me" he said but it was muffled by his lips against my neck while talking

I sighed in surrender and just let it happen because deep down I know I didn't want him to stop. Next think I know he bit down on my neck pulling at the skin ever so slightly which caused me to moan Slightly and gasp

"Robin!" I finally got him off of Me. He smirked and grabbed my waist pulling me in by my Jean loops and giving me one last kiss on my lips

"Don't wanna keep the others waiting any longer do we?" He said still smirking and grabbing my hand pulling me back into finney and Gwen's room

🤭just a lil apology for taking so long to update. I'm also gonna be posting 2 more chapters today since I haven't posted in a while so be spoiled<3

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