chapter 5

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Hey guys I did change the title and the cover of the book because I felt like it fit much better than tho other title!

Gwen and finney got back with the snacks and we decided to play never have I ever.

"Never have I ever been in love" finney asked

Me and robin both looked at each other and put a finger down.

"Never have I ever fell asleep during a test" I said as I put a finger down and so did Gwen and robin

"Never have I ever got into a fight" Gwen said and me robin and Gwen put a finger down.

"Wait really who!" Gwen asked as she saw me put a finger down

"Yea babe who?" Robin questioned and I blushed at him calling me babe for the first time, literally life can't get more amazing than this.

"It was a dumb hoe named Cassy (not from euphoria 💀😭 although I love that show) she got on my last nerve I swear she got what she deserved.

"Tell us the story y/n!" Finney asked

"Well me and Cassy were friends a long time ago but she started spreading rumors about Me which were false and she kept threatening me and I had enough of it one day and rocked her shit. When I was done with her she was in the hospital for weeks with a concussion and a broken nose and arm, people said she had to get stitches from a huge cut in her head that happened when I slammed her head against the lockers" I said

"Damn y/n you rocked her shittt" Gwen and robin said in unison

I laughed and we had a bunch of fun the rest of the night the sleep over lasted till Sunday since we had school on Monday

Time skip to Monday~

I just left the house on my way to school when I met up with finney Gwen and robin like Normal and we started walking to school

"Did you hear, vance is coming back to school" gwen said (ik in the movie that vance was stronger than robin but in this let's just pretend that robin and vance are equally strong like yk there tied but if you had to choose one people will easily pick robin out of pure fear of what he has done in the past)

"Aw fuckkk" robin said

"Who's vance?"

"Someone I don't want you to be hanging out with mi amor" robin said getting protective and I loved when he got like this he was so attractive when he got over protective of me

"Why?" I asked curiously
"Because." Was all robin had said and I left it there and we walked in silence until we got to the front of school

"Bye Gwen" we all said, as we walking into the school robin pulled me in closer to his side by my waist which made me blush and smile at his protectivness

"Love what's the matter" I whispered just so robin can hear me

"I don't want you near vance, he's gonna try to steal you from me" robin said in a sad but stern voice

"MI amor I don't even know this man, you have nothing to worry about" I said as I standed on my tippy toes kissing him softly

Just when j was about to pulled apart robin grabbed my waist pulling me in even closer and kissed me passionately as he put his hand on the beck of my neck and the other hand on my waist as we made out. He made it very clear I was his and only his

As we pulled apart I looked up at him and smiled "I love you" I whispered. Crap I just said I love you man what if I made it awkward "I love you too hermosa" robin said in a sweet voice which made me smile and my worries fly far away.

Time skip to 3rd period

I went to my lockers to get my book wee were reading in English for 3rd period. While at my locker a dude with long curly hair came up to me "and who might you be cutie" vance said with a wink

"Uhh the names y/n"

"Y/n huh, you new here?~" he said draping his arm against the lockers (if that makes sense 💀)

Robin saw vance and me talking and he fast walked his way over towards us with his blood boiling

"Yes I am and I'm uninterested and unavailable" I said plainly not giving a fuck what he wanted as robin heard what I said he came up to me with a smirk and hung his arm around my shoulder leaning down and kissing my neck softly to piss off vance which obviously worked

"Sorry buddy but she's already taken so paws off" robin said and I smiled at him and kissed his cheek vance left in annoyance

The day went on like normal until the end of school you were walking out the school when vance dragged you to the side of the school

"Let me go jack ass" I said trying to push him off of Me

He pushed me up against the school building

"Come on i know you want me y/n" he said in a seductive tone

"I don't even know you Jesus christ! What is wrong with people these days"

I know how to kick ass and I usually would rock someone's shit but vance had a advantage he was taller and bigger than me he was also very stronger

"Come on sweetheart just one kissc vance said as he tried to kiss me but I turned my head away

"Fucking stop it! Get of me"

Robin heard me screaming and ran towards me in anger as he saw vance

"BACK THE FUCK UP HOPPER" robin shouted

"Jesus arellano can't mind your own business can you?" Vance said letting go of me and I ran towards finney who was watching the 2 boys argue

"Paws off my girlfriend" robin said defensively

"Or what? What are you gonna do if I kiss your slutty girlfriend huh arellano?"

That pissed robin off and he lost control and started rocking vances shit, robin one but by a close one vance got in a couple punches but not much. Robin didn't loose control over jealousy he lost control of vance calling you a slut that's one thing he'll be damned if anyone thought he would let that slide. As they fought people gathered around chanting robins name and "fight fight fight"

Robin grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crown shoo-ing everyone away which they easily did as told because he just rocked vance hoppers shit, the toughest man everyone feared but now they all feared robin mother fucking arellano we got away from the crowd and robin hugged me? He hugged me tight as possible without trying to hurt me, he buried his face in my neck with his hands around my waist

"I love you so so sooo freaking much hermosa" robin muttered into my neck planting soft kissing on my neck as he said that

"I love you more roin arellano, I love you more" I said as I hugged him back

We pulled apart and he walked me home, as we got to the front of my house he kissed me and said goodbye and so did I.

That night I stayed up all night thinking how lucky I am to have robin freaking arellano as my boyfriend, how did u get so lucky

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