chapter 2

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I just wanna say I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday I forgot and fell asleep I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a bit with school it's stressful and hard to remember

We headed to class but sadly I didn't have first period with with finney or Gwen. I walked in the class and the teacher looked as me ad I enter the class

"Oh you must be y/n! Class this is y/n she is your new classmate y/n why don't you go sit down next to robin"

Robin raised his hand so i knew who he was but obviously I already knew what he looked like from him fighting thst moose guy. I walked over and sat down next to him not saying anything.

A couple minutes flew by and I was still in silence until I heard his voice, it was soft but with much power

"Your very quiet aren't ya"

I looked over at him nervously

"Y-yea you could say that"

"Im-" "Robin, I know who you are, I met your friend finney" he laughed and shook his head "yea, he's a nice friend"

I just sat quiet not replying and writing down notes until my pencil broke (bruh wattpad deleted all that I had of the story this is 218 words and it was at like 800 sum😭) I heard laughing from beside me and I looked up to robin smirking st me whole laughing "shut up its not funny!" "Here have my pencil it's not like I was actually gonna do this work" he handed me his pencil and I smiled at him thankfully. Class was over and I had science with robin and finney so I sat by them since it was tables of 3 because there the only ones I know. We sit down amd I was in between the two boys as the teacher was talking I felt something poke my left thigh I look down and see robin poking my thigh with a smile and laughing lightly "stop it!" I whispered while laughing a bit myself  he kept poking me and didn't stop "quuuit" I said "but it jiggles and I'm bored" I looked at him with a "seriously" look and said "why don't you actually do your work" "Princessa, you should know by now I'm not doing this pointless shit" he said with the same look as me "it's not pointless it could come in handy especially on tests"

"You think that if I don't do my work I'm gonna do tests??! Hell no!" He said with a serious look "but then your gonna fail this year" I said with a concerned look " yeah man she's right you've already have 2 U's" finney said chiming in on the conversation "robin arellano!! 2 U's???!! Are you serious! You need to pass and start doing your work" I said almost yelling "yea yea I know I'll try my best to do the work hermosa" I looked at him while calming down at his sweet soft voice calling me hermosa "promise?" I said  "promise" I smiled at him and continued on doing the lesson for class. After class I notice finney bolted out the classroom he was the first one gone, in the halls as I was talking with robin I saw finney getting chased by bullies into the men's bathroom "Robin! Robin!! You need to go help finney he got chased into the bathroom!!" I said worried he started looking pissed "these Hijo de puta's never learn what stop means" he grabbing my army very lightly but still a little aggressive but not enough to hurt me, he rushing into the men bathing bringing me along "robin I can't go in the men's bathroom!" I shout "you really think they give a shit" he shouted back as he pulled me into the bathroom. "Move" he demanded in a strong and powerful voice as they moved I ran towards finney hugging them "omg are you okay finn!! Did they hurt you I swear to God I will beat there asses If they-" finney cut me off " I'm fine y/n, really" from behind I head a voice "oh really? Your just a weak female you can't so shit your pathetic" I turned around and death glared him, anger boiling through my veins "no your pathetic, you don't know what stop means do you? Picking on someone over and over? Now that's pathetic" robin spoke up getting pissed at the 3 Boys "oh yea I'm pathetic? Let's test that theory" the boy starting throwing punches and robin dodged them all and started kicking his ass. One boy came towards me and cornered me, pinning me to the wall and pulling a pocket knife out of his jeans finney came running towards me trying to help but the 3rd little dipshit came pulling him away from me and holding him back while finney tried to run towards me.

He sliced open my arm not that deep to need stitches but deep enough where blood was drawn. With my low iron I bleed easily so blood was dropping out of my wound. Robin notice the guy with the knife as soon as he was done beating the boy to a pulp. He rushed over and threw the boy off of Me and started punching him "robin stop! Stop it robin!!" I yelled trying to get his attention as I was bleeding out "Robin! Stop y/n needs help!" Finney yelled and as soon as he said I needed him robin rushed over to me "mi amor are you okay what happe-" he notice your cut on your arm by then the 3 boys were long gone.

"Take your shirt off" robin said since the cut was on my upper arm close to my shoulder "what!?" I said "you heard currently take your shirt off y/n, so I can look at your wound" I slowly took my shirt off shaking while robin was staring at me, he looked at my wound and sighed "fucking hell, I'm gonna kill them" he said still angry but calm as he took off his bandana and wrapped it around your arm tightly to stop the bleeding "is that to tight?" He asked gently "n-no it's fine" I said and putted my shirt back on

"Hey guys" I asked "yea" they said at the same time "can we maybe..just skip the rest of the day and start the sleepover early a bit" I said not wanting to go back to class after what happened "I can't skip I've got a test" finney said "you can skip with me until school is over and then we can meet up with finney for the sleepover" robin said "okay" I said as we left the bathroom

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