chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning for school and got ready. I was heading out the door going to walk to school when I saw Gwen and finney but no robin?? I went up to the two of them asking where robin was but they had no clue, it's weird he always walks with us too school because he's excited to see me again

Once we got to school I saw a fight and new jt had to be robin, I made Mt way to where the fight was on the side of the school and pushed pass people getting to robin and?? Wait vance??

"Robin what the hell baby!!"

Robin smirked at me knowing I just called him baby infront of most the school God I'm a idiot now people probably won't shut up about it. Me and robin have been dating for some time but at school I'm pretty sure most people just thought we were friends but we weren't and now they for sure would know that we're together. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad thing and I'm happy everyone knows but God people get so nosey I hate it

I roll my eyes at his smirk and grabbed his arm dragging in to the boys bathroom because he refused to go into the girls.

I let out a much need sigh I didn't know I was holding "robin what the hell man" I said with a clearly turned and frustrated voice

"What do you mean y/n!"

"I mean why are you fighting..AGAIN" I said emphasizing the word again

"Y/n you know why, it was vance!!"

"No I don't know why robin!! For the love of God please stop getting in fights robin! I can't take it I don't like you getting hurt and shit and you just keep on fighting people!! Please just stop!" I said on the verge of crying with watery eyes and robin notice

His mad face dropped fastly into a apologetic look and he looked down at the ground, it hurted me seeing him being so upset with himself I couldn't help it no matter how mad I was at him I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him

"It's okay love...just..don't do it again please? If you can't do it for you do it for me okay??"

I felt him nod his head yes and he tightly hugged back like he was gonna loose me any second now

"Of course ma..I'll try I promise I'll try my hardest for you and only you my girl"

(MA and my girl are omllll🛐🛐🛐😩🤭 like ong the best nickname to make someone weak instantly)

I blushed at his nickname and felt eobin give me small little kissed on my neck as a apology. It was okay tho because I know robin isn't big on showing emotion he doesn't just not care about showing emotion, he don't because he doesn't know how to. He has trouble showing his emotions and feelings but so do I that's what makes us perfect together

I pulled away from the hug and started cleaning his knuckles, I wiped his knuckles with some alcohol pads I had in my backpack for emergencies like this, so his knuckles wouldn't get infected.

I lightly dabbed the pad on his injury and he jump and whinced in pain

"Ik ik I'm so sorry baby" I said while trying not to throw up.

I have a huge fear of injuries like bones snapping or a huge gash tooken out of someone. Funny thing though I can watch horror movies with gore and people's intestines on the outside and I may be disgusted by it a bit but I'm fine, but as soon as it's someone snapping or breaking a bone and you can hear it or where it shows a big gash tooken out of someone's leg or arm I always get so Squeamish I can't help it I hate it soooo much (fun fact this is all true😀👍 I hate it when it shows bones snapping I can't handle it, it's like hoe people get squeamish about blood but with bones)

Robin could tell I wasn't having it and he hopped off the sink kissing my forehead

"It's okay ma I can bandage up the rest"

I just nodded my head in  Immediate agreement.

Once robin was done with his hand we went to our 2nd period class because 1st was almost over.

Time skip to lunch

We just got done with 4th period and now is lunch

I made my way to the table I saw finney Gwen Donna and Bruce at

Huh? That's weird? Gwen and Bruce are sitting with each other laughing and smiling. I mean I don't mind it but Bruce usually never sits with us.

I walked up to the table and sat next to finney

"Hey guys"

"Wassup" finney said

"Uhh nun much"

Just then robin came and sat across on the other side of the table so it was finney me and Donna on one side and the other was robin Gwen and Bruce

We were all talking and minding our business when I girl came up to our table and sat next to Bruce giving me a death glare which I noticed

"What's up? Staring problem much" I said

The girl scoffed "so is it true are you and robin dating?"

I looked iver at robin and he had a smirk on his face and I gave him one back

"Why yes we are? Why do you ask"
"Whore" I whispered interested my breathe so no one could hear me but Donna and she busted out laughing

"What's so funny" the girl asked

"No-nu-nothing" Donna said in between laughs everyone gave us a confused loon and brushed it off

"Well stay away from him slut he's mine" she said looking at robin and winking

Robin made a disgust face "as fucking if bitch please" robin said fake gagging and rolling his eyes

Everyone started laughing at her

"You will be mine robby boo" she said winking again.

Ong bro I think this bitch has a twitch or sum bro ong is she deaf? He don't like her ugly ass

"Bitch BFF, wtf does that spell"  Gwen said

"BE. FUCKING. FOR. REAL. WHORE" I said and laughed my ass off

The girl who I believed was named Emily started walking off in embarrassment and in tears

"Fucking whore" I huffed and everyone randomly busted out laughing

A few minutes passed and the same girl Emily came back this time sitting by robin. She wa being all touchy and putting her hand on his shoulder which he shoved off

"You like me now robby boo" she said trying to act like she's cute girllll stawp. She had on a full face of horribly done makeup and robin laughed in her face

"Ong bff" robin said laughing

I got up from my seat and walked to the other side of the table to where robin was and I sat in his pap while he putted his hands around my wakt to keep me from falling off.

"Wsp ma" he said smirking

I had a plan to make this bitch jealous  so I whispered it in his ear and he agreed.

"What do you think your doing to my mans you whore" Emily said

"Your man's? Bahaha hilarious, call me a whore again and you gonna wish you wouldn't have said a word"

"Baby call down ma~" robin said in a seductive voice with a grin going along with the plan to make her jelly

Robin slowly started to kiss my neck pulling me closer to her

I bit my lip trying to make her more jealous and the girl huffed and finally got her fat us up and went on somewhere

Robin pulled away laughing and now everyone was laughing

Once lunch was over we all went to our 5th period and so on with the rest of the day. Today I was going home with finney Gwen and robin because we was gonna have a sleepover with robin me finney Gwen Bruce and of course Donna

Now thag I think of it Bruce and Gwen seemed like they was flirting at lunch I mean they would be a cute couple I guess ;))

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