chapter 10

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A couple days passed and it was Monday.

I haven't seen robin at all today which was weird he usually walks me to all my classes but I haven't seen him yet.

I was walking with finney to lunch when out the window I hear people fighting. Shit. Not again. I thought to myself

I ran out the school to see robin and moose fighting.

"Robin!! Stop!! te dije que dejaras de pelear lo prometiste idiota (I told you to stop fighting, you promised you idiot)"

Robin quickly got up and looked at me with a heart broken look

"I'm sorry ma..he was being a dick!" He said as he looked at me then to moose who was on the ground knocked out covered in blood.

"I don't care! You promised robin! It's like your addicted to fighting"

I started to walk away pissed as hell but sad that he would break his promise. I trusted him, he promised and he broke his promise

"Ma im-"

"Save it robin."

I turn back around and walked back to finney with a few tears forming in my eyes and rolling down my cheek.

"I'm sorry y/n/n" he said and hugged me

"It's okay's not your fault,..but why would he break his promise."

"Who knows..Robin does stupid things sometimes" what he said made me laugh

"Yea..I can see that"

We walk into lunch and sit with Gwen, Donna, and Bruce

As we was all eating and talking while laughing at jokes Gwen was making at finneys' bullies robin cam up to the table and sat down across from me.

I looked at him as tears sprouted in my eyes, I quickly got up and ran out the lunchroom

Time skip

I got home from school and got in a long hot shower

I heard my mom calling for me while I was in the shower

"Mom! What? I can't hear you! I'm in the shower"

I heard the bathroom door open and my mom walk in

"Hey honey, someone is on the phone asking for you. He said he tried calling your phone but you didn't answer. He sounded desperate"

"Who Is it?"

"A boy named robin? I think he said?" She said trying to remember

"Tell him to call me in 10 minutes"

"Okay honey..I don't know what he did, but he sounds really desperate and he sounded like he was crying"

The thought of robin being upset made me sad, I don't wanna hurt him..but he broke his promise

A few minutes later I got out the shower and waited for robin to call be he never did.

I waited 30 minutes until there was a knock at the front door

I went downstairs to find robin arellano on my front door step

I sighed "yes?"

"Can..we talk?" He said looked down at the ground

"Fine. Come in" I let him in and went straight up to my room with him following behind like a lost puppy

I sat on my bed and robin was on his knees infront of me practicing begging for forgiveness and he was..crying? It looked like he had been for a long while

"Please..please ma I'm so so sorry..I'm so stupid..please forgive me"

" broke your promise, I trusted you.."

" ik and I'm so so sorry..he just got me so pissed and..and well I couldn't help it"

" why did you fight him.."

"Why. Did. You. Fight. Him., if you want me to forgive you..then explain why you did it.."

He sighed " he was shit talking you..he was calling you names and I couldn't help it."

I looked down at his beautiful face and wiped his tears

" I appreciate you for protecting me bit that doesn't mean you have to fight him robin.."

"I know and I'm so so so sorry baby...please..forgive me ma.."

I sat there thinking for a while as a awkward silence grew over the 2 of us

Robin started crying a little harder than before

"I'm such a horrible boyfriend..I'm sorry y/ deserve better than me...I'm sorry I broke my promise..I'm sorry I'm messed up in the head, I don't deserve you"

This broke my heart. Sure I was mad and upset he broke his promise but that doesn't mean he's a horrible person and it hurts knowing thst he thinks he is one when he isn't.

" no..your not a horrible person, your a amazing was just protecting me" I leaned down and hugged him kissing his cheek for comfort

By now we was both on the floor hugging

" your perfect..your everything I wanted..your Beauty never scared me, mi amor"

"I love you y/n...please never leave me"

"I love you too robin, and I don't plan on it"

That night me and robin sat in my room cuddling all night. Robin stayed over because it was getting too late for him to walk home so he stayed

About after 1 hour of cuddling he fell asleep instantly, he was tired as hell. He needed his sleep so I let him lay on my chest while his head buried in my neck as he slept peacefully.

He would give small kisses on my neck while we cuddled as he mumbled how much he loved me in his sleepy voice

Eventually I fell asleep too, everything was perfect  he was perfect.

I could never hate robin arellano, no matter what he does.

He's my everything, and he means the world to me, no matter how hard I could try it'll still never be enough for me to hate him because my love for him is stronger than a thousand atomic bombs blowing up the world.

We're perfect together. We was made for each other as our relative and live for one another was the strongest anyone could have. This boy will always be my favorite

The End

Ahh I'm so happy, I had a really really good ending for this book, I'm sorry it has come to a end but I was getting low on ideas and thought this was a good way to end the book so unfortunately our time is up. I feel like my other Robin book was way better and this one is kinda shitty but I'm so sorry about that. I promise the next robin story will be better, my tate langdon book if you want to read that it'll be way better than this book too hopefully

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