Chapter Two

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"Take a seat."

I immediately sat in the chair opposite her desk.

As she walked past me, I couldn't help but let my eyes drift down her body.

And oh my fucking god was it worth it.

This woman is built like a goddess.

"So." She started, interrupting my thoughts.

Is she smirking? Oh god, why is she smirking?

"I understand you have barely any policing experience?"

Okay, bit rude.

"I did my three years in university then two years in uniform."

"So you started when you were..."

"22." I smiled, not realising I finished her sentence.

She narrowed her eyes in thought and I mentally prepared myself to get yelled at.

But it never came, just a simple, hmm with a slight nod but that was it.

She leaned backwards in her chair, overlapping her fingers on her stomach as she tried to figure me out.

God almighty. Is it hot in here or it is just me?

"Would you like me to turn the fan on?"

There is was again, that slight smirk.

"You don't have to, I'm fine, just nervous." I attempted to smile.

I shouldn't have said that...

She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk with her fingers still entwined.

How am I going to get anything done knowing she looks like this?

"Why are you nervous Beckett?"

"First day I suppose." I shrugged.

She sighed, shuffling my documents back into my file, "You and I both know that's a lie, but I'll let it slide."

My breath caught in my throat. Does she know? I fucking hope not.

The last thing I need is an enemy just because she looks like a goddess.

I think it's her hair.

The way it cascades down her shoulders just takes my breath away.

I need to stop thinking, she is literally my boss.

My gorgeous boss...

"I'll show you around the station in a minute I just have to sign this and put it in your file."

"Okay." I smiled.

She started faffing with some documents so I took it as an opportunity to look around.

Although, that got boring rather quickly. My mind couldn't help but wonder as I studied the woman in front of me.

It's getting way too hot in here...

I rolled my sleeves up in an attempt to cool down as I zoned out.

It didn't even take 30 seconds to feel a pair of eyes burning into my soul.

I glanced up at my boss whose cheeks had suddenly gone a few shades pinker.

The door abruptly opened and a dishevelled young woman entered the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, DSI Carson is on the phone." She winced in anticipation.

"Thanks, Daniels. Could you show Beckett around whilst I deal with this please?" Boss lady said whilst rubbing her forehead.

I guess it is hot in here because she's really flustered.

The lady who came in smiled at me and waited for me to leave.

Thank god that's over, am I right?

"She always insists on calling everyone by their surname but it sounds so blunt." She chuckled, "What's your first name?"

"It's Lorelai but everyone calls me Rory."

"Well, nice to meet you, Rory, I'm Anna." She smiled, "Don't mind Toni she's just pissy because of the new case."

Toni huh? I wonder how dead I would be if I called her that to her face.

Anna dragged me all around the station, showing me where all the different facilities are.

I'm definitely gonna get lost in here.

We eventually made it back to Toni... Sorry, DCI Harris' office.

Anna paused to turn to me before knocking on the door, "I recognise you from somewhere. I just can't put my finger on it..."

"Schwartz case, February 2020." DCI Harris interrupted as she appeared behind us.

"That's it! Thanks, that would've been bugging me all day." Anna laughed.

"I am so confused," I said absentmindedly, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You're the one who found the murder weapon right? Thanks to you we managed to get a conviction." Anna explained.

"You didn't know did you?" Anna sighed.

"Apparently not," I mumbled.

"Toni, I told you to inform her superior as soon as it went through." She glared.

"I had more important things to do." She shrugged, unlocking her office door and walking in.

Anna rolled her eyes, muttering, "New case." in my direction.

"Right, Beckett your desk is next to DC Nolan's. You'll be shadowing him for the week so do everything he does and stay out of my way. Daniels, I need to speak with you."

Alright damn, that case is really playing with her head.

"I'll come by your desk in a bit to check up on you. You remember where it is right?" Anna smiled pitifully.

I put on a smile and nodded in response.

I waited for her office door to close before composing myself but I couldn't help but eavesdrop for a few seconds.

"Why are you being so mean to Rory?"

"Rory? What, are you besties now? And I'm not being mean."

"You are being mean."

"Whatever, she'll get over it."

This is gonna be a long ass day...

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