Chapter Twelve

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I pulled into the restaurant, second-guessing this whole thing. What if she doesn't even like Italian food?

I'm overthinking, who doesn't like Italian food?

Probably a few people...

"You know, for a 'definitely not a date' this is pretty romantic." She said, using air quotes.

"It's not a date." I glared.

"If you say so."

We walk into the restaurant and I give them my name.

Beckett gave me a knowing look.


I reserved a table, so what? It's still not a date.

She just shook her head giggling before following the waitress to our table.

"Your girlfriend got you the best seats in the house." She grinned at Beckett.

"Oh, I'm single," Beckett smirked towards me.

"I do apologise. Whenever you need something, be sure to ask for Sophia." I watched the waitress as she brushed her hand against Beckett's arm.

I could feel the rage building up already but I pushed it down and swallowed my jealousy.

"So, Lorelai." I tried to smile.

"So Antoinette." She smirked.

I was about to say something else but Sophia showed up again.

I hate her.

"Any drinks for you two ladies?" She asked, not even bothering to look at me.

We ordered our drinks and I bit my tongue as best I could.

As soon as Sophia left I let out the breath I had been holding.

I attempted to smile again, "What do you fancy?"

"Well seeing as you're not on the menu I think I'll have Sophia." She said nonchalantly.

That's it.

"Can you stop flirting with the waitress?" I growled.

"Jealous are we?" She spoke behind the giant menu she was reading.

I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration, "No."

She put the menu down and looked at me curiously, "You do realise we're both paid to see through the bullshit?"

"Believe me, I am well aware," I mumbled, earning a small chuckle from her.

The audacity.

"What are you having?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Probably pizza."

"Good choice. I think I'll have the same."

Glad that's sorted.

Sophia returned to take our order and much to my delight, Lorelai didn't flirt with her once.

"See I can be good. All you have to do is ask." She grinned.

I'll have to test that theory.

"How's Beckett number two doing?"

She looked at me confused, "If you're referring to Will, then he's alright. I mean I don't think he wants to spend another hour with you ever again. But for the most part, he's good."

"Good to know."

"I don't really blame him to be honest. You can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." She said sarcastically.

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