Chapter Twenty

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Sorry guys, smut warning again. I know, I'm terrible.

As soon as I arrived at my desk I was whisked away and placed in an interview room.

Harris arrived shortly after, taking a seat opposite me.

"You were late." She whispered lowly.

Thank god the recording hasn't started yet.

"Yeah by two minutes." I glared.

"Still late." She smirked.

Our conversation was cut short by a lanky bloke entering the room.

"DC Loerlai Beckett?" He confirmed.

"Can I call you Laura?"

God no.

"Sure." I fake smiled.

I could see Harris out the corner of my eye, trying to stifle a laugh.

"My name is DSI, Jack Carson. Is there anything you need before we start?" He smiled.

"Actually yes, would it be possible if it was just you conducting the interview?" I asked as politely as possible.

I watched in amusement as Harris' smirk was immediately wiped off her face.

DSI Carson gave Harris a strange look before turning to me, "If that would make you more comfortable."

"Yes, it would." I nodded.

He sighed, "DCI Harris, could you please return to your office."

Take that Harris.

As soon as she left the room, DSI Carson got right into it, "So, I'm sure you're aware why I'm here."

I nodded, "Yes, Sir."

"Start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened four weeks ago."

I explained the surveillance detail and a bit about the guy we were watching. Then I told him about the two people approaching and how it spooked Anna.

He took notes the entire time I was speaking.

I mentioned the phone call to Harris and the conversation that went with it.

"How long did this conversation last?" He spoke up.

"About forty seconds or so," I replied.

"Alright, continue."

There wasn't much to say after that. Apart from the short conversation, Harris had with Anna when she must have called back.

If I even heard it at all.

I could have been hallucinating for all I know.

After he got descriptions of the suspects he ended the interview.

"You did excellent Laura. Thank you, you may go back to your desk."

"Thank you, Sir." I stood up and shook his hand before making my way to my seat.


Of course.

I stopped dead in my tracks, turning to look at the office door.

A deep sigh left my body as I slowly opened the door, closing it behind me.

"So first you're late then you kick me out of my own interview? You got some balls, Beckett. I like it." She smirked.

I approached her desk and walked around to her side, leaning against it as I faced her.

I slowly leaned down so I was eye-level with her, "Yes. Why? What are you gonna do about it?"

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