Chapter Six

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I would have coughed up a lung if she wasn't a foot away from my face.

"Beckett?" She said concern filled her eyes.

"You what?" I said in disbelief.

"I'm not saying it again." She glared.

"Well, what's stopping you?"

She laughed, "What's not stopping me?"

"I'm not." I shrugged.

"I can't. You're a constable, I'm the Chief Inspector. It wouldn't be fair." She frowned, glancing between my eyes and my lips.

"Do you want to?" I smirked, half joking.

What? I'm cocky. It's not like she would anyway.

"I can't... I shouldn't." She said, now staring at just my lips.

I'm not gonna act like I haven't been staring at hers for the past three minutes.

"But do you want to," I asked a bit more seriously.

Maybe she does?

"Fuck it yes. Life's too short."

Well, that was a rather quick decision. I'm flattered.

She slowly leaned in, I stayed still, making sure she knew she had all the control.

When her lips eventually met mine I swear I almost died. She was so gentle like I was a porcelain doll that could shatter with just a slight breeze.

But that didn't last long, something in her switched and she spun me around, pinning me against the desk.

I was not expecting this to come out of her but hell am I happy about it.

I felt her hands slide their way up my hip as her thumb found its place under the hem of my shirt.

Even the slightest touch has me bending over backwards for her.


I grabbed her collar to pull her closer to me, releasing a moan from her.

Apparently, that was a mistake because she pushed me off her and stumbled backwards, leaning against the door panting like a maniac.

"What the fuck."

I slowly leaned up and straightened my shirt, "Are you okay?"

Her eyes were almost red with anger, her hands balling up into a fist as she aggressively grabbed the door handle and swung it open.

"Get the fuck out of my office." She growled.


"Now." She shouted.

"Sorry," I mumbled, leaving all my dignity in the office as I left.

That went well...

I wasn't even supposed to lose my shit in the first place, let alone let her kiss me.

If she tries to spin this I swear to god.

She's probably going to be an even bigger bitch to me now...


You know what? I'm going to Otto's. Will is the only person on this earth who I want to see right now.

As soon as I arrived, Will spoke to his manager and went on his lunch break.

Artie is basically family by now so I'm not surprised.

"What happened?" Will asked as we stepped outside.

"Boss from hell kissed me."

"Woah woah woah. Boss from hell? I thought it was smoking hot boss?"

"She kissed me."

"She what?"

"Kissed me. You know, that thing people do with their mouths? Actually, you probably wouldn't know."

"Ouch okay, no need to project your problems. What even happened?" He laughed.

"I'm sorry." I sighed, "She said she couldn't stop thinking about it. So I asked her if she wanted to and she said yes. Then she kissed me and pushed me away before yelling at me to get out."

"Hey come here." Will wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"I shouldn't have let her kiss me but my dumbass hormones got in the way and now I've clearly overstepped."

"Maybe she's just scared, Rory. She probably hasn't been in this situation before." He sighed.

"I mean yeah but what happens when I have to go back? How am I supposed to work with her without it being awkward as fuck..."

"If you feel that bad about it then write her a note or something." He shrugged.

Actually, that's not a bad idea. That way I don't have to talk to her.

I smiled, "Who knew you'd be the genius out of the two of us?"

"Uh, everyone did."

"Okay, you could at least be nice about it." I rolled my eyes.

"Go write your note, I'll swing by after my shift and you can tell me all the tea." He laughed.

"Whatever. Thank you for the strangely useful advice."

"See you later twinnie." He waved obnoxiously.

I stuck my middle finger up behind me as I was walking away, "I'm literally adopted."

I probably should've asked him what to write in the note...

Eh fuck it, I'll just say sorry.

I scribbled some words on a notepad and folded it neatly.

Now to slide it under her door without anyone knowing...

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