Chapter Twenty Three

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Harris POV

"You understand the amount of evidence against you is almost comical?" I asked the girl in front of me.

"I don't give a shit, I know you've been watching me for weeks." She retorted.

"Aw, what's the matter, wake up on the wrong side of the law this morning?" I fake smiled.

"Very funny."

"Listen to your lawyer Anna, you've got a good deal. All you have to do is tell us what happened." DSI Carson sighed.

"Fine, only if it gets me a reduced sentence." She huffed.

I crossed my arms and put my legs on the desk, leaning back on my chair, "This should be good."

"I sold your bitch out to the Schwartz gang." She shrugged.

Is beating a criminal still against the law?


"You both deserved it." She said, checking her nails.

Yes, they're still there, but just you wait, Daniels.

"Both? What's DCI Harris got to do with anything?" Carson asked.

"She's in love with the little shit." She scoffed.

Carson looked at me quizzically.

"I'm bloody not." I scoffed.

"Why target Detective Beckett and not DCI Harris herself?" He questioned.

"Harris wouldn't bat an eyelid if she got shot. Plus they didn't ask for her."

"I mean she's not wrong." I shrugged, "Why did they want Beckett?"

"She was the only reason they lost that case that got you promoted."

I laughed, "I'm sorry what?"

"Don't pretend you don't remember." She snapped.

"When was this?" Carson questioned.

"February 2020." I sighed.

"When you were a DI. She found the murder weapon, giving you enough to solve the damn case and earning you my promotion." She spat.

"This is all over a stupid promotion?" I said in disbelief.

"Do you know how much money I could have made by now? What do you even do with it anyway? Take your shitty little girlfriend out to dinner?"

"So this is about money." Carson clarified.

"That and also because I enjoyed watching the little show Detective Harris put on whilst she was in a coma. You should've seen it." She laughed.

I clenched my fists so hard it nearly drew blood.

Not knowing how much longer I could keep calm I abruptly stood up, turning to Carson. "I'm done here. I'll see you in my office when you're finished."

Anna scoffed, "Should've known, you never could stick with anything for too long."

"Bye Daniels," I said, trying not to slam the door shut behind me.

As soon as I looked up from the door I met a pair of very angry eyes.

Oh god.

"What does she mean you've been watching her for weeks?" Lorelai interrogated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I can't talk about this here," I whispered.

"You bloody will." She scoffed.

"I'll explain it in my office."

"Oh please, so you can lie to me more? No thank you. I'm going home." She said, pushing past me.

"Lorelai wait!"

"Don't bother." She called out from down the hall.


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