Chapter Four

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"Everything ready?"

A smooth voice startled me as whoever it was entered the room.

I was surprised to see DCI Harris standing behind me. I've never heard her sound so happy before.

Then again, I've never seen her looking like that...

She's rolled her sleeves up and undone her top two buttons as well as put her hair up into a messy bun.

I am so glad I'm leaning against the table right now because I really don't trust my legs.


"Beckett?" She called out, bringing me back to earth.


"You ready?" She smirked.

For you? Yes.


God, and to think it's only been a week...

I loaded the gun and put the safety on.

"Where do you want me?" She spoke over my shoulder, making me jump.

On your desk.

"Uh, could you stand on the tape please?" I pointed to the line on the floor.

She even walks like a goddess...

"Right, it's loaded so be careful," I said, handing her the firearm once she was in position.

She aimed at the little target I drew on the dummy, "Tell me when."

"Uh, actually could you just shuffle over like a centimetre."

Of course, she shuffled the wrong way.

"Wait not that way."

She did it again in the wrong direction.

I sighed, slowly moving my hands towards her waist, "May I?"

To my surprise, she actually nodded.

I placed my hands on her waist and shuffled her towards me a tiny bit.

But because I was standing so close I accidentally pulled her into me.

What made it worse was the hint of red making its way up her neck and to her cheeks.

What I'd give to see that every day...

"Okay. I hope you're a good shot because we've only got six bullets."

She scoffed cockily in response.

Once I'd gotten a safe distance away I gave her the cue.

She missed...

"I thought you were supposed to be good at this." I laughed.

"I did that on purpose."

"Sure you did boss." I smiled, earning the faintest laugh from her, "Alright go again."

She shot at something... Whatever it was, I can't bloody see it.

"Are you sure you're licensed?" I questioned.

She switched the safety on and placed the gun back down before turning to face me.

"Alright new plan. You're shooting." She smirked.


"I'll teach you."

"Fine." I fake sighed.

Oh no what a shame, learning how to shoot by this goddess.

We switched places and I stood on the mark.

"May I?" She said, mimicking my tone from earlier.

I nodded, almost letting out a moan as I felt her body push against mine.

Her hands slid their way up from my waist to my arms, wrapping her hands around mine.

"Hold it like this."

She shuffled about trying to get her feet in the right position before placing her head above my shoulder to aim.


I shot and it landed right above the target by like a centimetre.

"Try again."

I aimed a bit better and shot again.

This time I hit it perfectly.

"Good girl." She whispered in my ear.

Oh my god.

If it wasn't for her whole ass body supporting my back I would have dropped.

I have got to get this over with but she's so distracting. I can feel her breathing on my neck that's how close she is.

"Okay, I think you're ready." She sighed, moving away from me and taking all the warmth with her.

"For what?" I said dumbfounded.

She looked at me curiously, "The test you dragged me down here for?"

"Oh, that." I laughed nervously, "Yeah definitely ready for that."

She crossed her arms impatiently, "If you're nervous I can do it but you know I'm a bit rusty."

"No, no it's okay. I've got it."

I put on my white overalls and gloves before positioning myself in front of the target.

You've got this. Just hit the dot and it'll prove your theory.

I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

I flinched as the blood sprayed all up my arms.

I look nothing like our main suspect did the day of the murder.

I turned around and stood against the back wall whilst Harris took pictures of the evidence.

As soon as she was finished I tried to wriggle out of the overalls without getting the blood everywhere but it didn't go very well...

I heard a frustrated sigh come from Harris' direction, "Stop moving."

She reached her arms behind my back to undo the zip before sliding the suit off my shoulders and letting it drop.

Her eyes scanned my body, although they almost had an angry expression in them. What have I done this time?

"That was a good shot." She bluntly stated.


"They probably taught you how to do that when you were getting your licence." She said, unloading the gun onto the table.


If it wasn't for that sentence I really would have enjoyed the sight a lot more.

"Relax, it's okay. I knew the whole time." She almost laughed.

"Oh like that's any better... Why did you even agree to help me?"

"I wanted to." She shrugged.

I stepped closer to her, daring to be in her personal space yet again, "So why show me how to shoot?"

Her cheeks grew slightly redder and she cleared her throat, "I want the results in my office by 2 o'clock."

And with that, she brushed past me and out the door.

Well, that doesn't answer anything...

What the fuck is up with this woman?

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