That Day

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The event was wrapped and you were helping the others cleaning the hall. You could just escape from this responsibility but your two friends were also here.

"Y/n, aren't you supposed to be with Mr Park?" Jen waved her hands.
"Yes, he is with the dean now." The man didn't throw you another glance and straightly went to the dean after thanking you for assisting him. Not that you expect something from him. Like.. his business card or ..

"How is he?" You immediately knew the motive behind this question.
"What?" You smile.

"You know, is he just like the rumor?" You were silent. He wasn't like the rumor. He was like the whole different person. Your mouth were sealed. The thoughts that you should share what know know about him bothers you.
You wanted to keep his image only for you..

"Yeah.." You moved aside so she will stop asking questions.
"Was he flirting with you? Or you two already.." She playfully grinned, "Come on!"
It just was the image he had. That he was that kind of person.

"There was nothing like that. We only talk a little." He was not man with many words, aside from the University Event, he did not ask much.

His assistant had his phone which was ringing almost every twenty minutes. He was giving you that vibe, calm and preserved. He was serious about the speech and that was it.

He was hella damn fine man. There was something in his eyes... You quickly covered up that thoughts.

"Tch, you are not fun!" Jen snorted, "Anyway. Are we going? That second year guys is asking if we will join them. Come on go with me." Jen pleaded to Chaeyoung since getting her means getting you.

"I don't know i don't really like going to the club." You only want to rest now.
"You are so boring, you know that?! The two of you always leaving me alone. There is no point of-" Here we go again.

"Alright alright, we will go with you." You couldn't stand every time she mentioned the two of you were never there for her.

"That's my girls." You and Chaeyoung were glancing to each other. Exchanging meaningful look. Unlike you and Chaeyoung who was friend since junior high school, Jen joined the two of you in college.

She had different interest with both of you but that makes the whole ride was exciting. She was the fun girl. Jennifer was mixed both beautiful and wild. She had plenty boy friends who was worshiping her. She once take fancy of your brother, too.

However, your brother had no interest in her.
Entering the club the three of you were welcomed by the seniors. They were cheering at Jen. One of the senior like Chaeyoung so he persuaded Jen to take the two of you with her.

You and Chayoung excused yourself to the restroom first.
"You ok?" Chaeyoung palmed your forehead.
She was older sister type of bestie. You love her the most.

"It's okay. She is right, it is unfair we never accompanying her.." You like how Jennifer could pull the fun side of you, but sometimes she didn't know the limit and consequences of her behavior.

"I still don't like her much. Something is off,
Y/n." Chaeyoung already told this to you thousands times since Jen be friends with both of you. She likes Jen too but she cares about her less than you.

"She helped us remember? She isn't always like this." She was defending both of from stupid senior first time the two of you in orientation.
It was pure misunderstanding.
No one stepped up but Jen did. Another thing you admired about her.

"Don't sit too far from me, ok? I don't know who she introducing us to this time." This actually happened quite often, Chaeyoung got annoyed by her.

Park Jimin walked in the VIP room hallway, not everyone could enter this club especially be in the VIP. He saw a man made his way to a girl. Seems like they were heavily made out.

Sometimes, scene like this couldn't be avoided in a club. No matter rich or poor, hormones was hormones. He turned his head away letting them finish the business however he heard the girl was screaming. They must be so excited, he thought. He glanced to the direction again. The girl was still resisting.

Something was wrong.
Signing his assistant to separate the male and female. He was utterly disgusted by the man.
The girl was crying. Her top was a bit ripped. Jimin quickly took off his coat and draped it on the girl. Noticing the familiar face.

"Miss Y/n.." You were trembling, "Are you okay, Miss?" You shook your head rapidly.
"Help me.." You pleaded, you had no idea why you were dragged out here. That senior was suddenly trying to kiss you. His hands were touching everywhere he shouldn't.

"Mr Park." His assistant asked whatever he needed to do to the guy.
"Bring the man down. I'll talk to him later." He was very disgusted by a man like this.
There was actually woman they could pay but they did this instead.

"Miss Y/n, could you understand my words?" He was worried you might be drugged.
"Yes.." Jimin lifted you up on his arms.
That senior must be put something in your drink because you had not drink much.

"Could you tell me your address? I will send you home." Your head seemed to be slow.
"M.. my friend.." Chaeyoung was still somewhere in here. She must be looking for you, "Do not tell her anything.." You grabbed his sleeves.
Well, he couldn't if you didn't want that.

"As you wish." He promised. You couldn't even recalled which room they were in.
"I don't know where she is.." Jimin asked his men to knock on every door.

Chaeyoung was stunned you see you carried by Mr Park himself. She immediately went to his side asking if you were okay.

"She feels a bit uncomfortable. I'll send her home. You too should go home with your girl friend there." Young people these days. There was only three girls with so many boys.

"Okay, Mr Park." Chaeyoung drove your car. Jen was coming with her, sulking.
Jimin helped you with the seatbelt. You were quiet, still couldn't process what happened just now. What was that senior trying to do to you?

"Are you hurt? Should i bring you to hospital?" He was indicated if you need to be check. Because he couldn't check himself if the male already.. pass the border.

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