They are the Law

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"You come back early.."
You took the roses. Smelling them. You felt a bit guilty to ignore his surprise right in front of him. You didn't do it intentionally..

"To surprise you.." He was thinking about taking you out to have special dinner since the ring had been here.

"Thank you.." You hugged him by the waist.

"Have you eat yet?" He asked. The maid said you went back in usual hour which means you did not go out with your friends. You also didn't text him about the sudden change of your schedule.
"Not yet.." You hadn't even eat lunch because of the fight with Jen. You lost your appetite.

"Should i ask the maid to make something or you wanna eat outside?" He rubbed your head.. You didn't seem in a good spirit.

"Can we order fast food and eat in bed?" You asked. Jimin chuckled, ruffling your hair.

"Alright! What do you want? I'll order them."

"I'll do it.. Go to bath first." You tiptoed to kiss his nose. He stopped you where you were to savor your mouth more, your fingers curls on his hair, the two of you were heavily kissing.

You were still greedy for him, Jimin separated himself first.

"We have all night. Fill your stomach first so you have energy to take me..."

Jimin stroke your hair, you were laying on your stomach, resting on his chest. The maid just cleaned up the meal you and Jimin had earlier.

"You come back much faster.."

"Yes, it didn't take long. Beside, I missed you. I can't sleep well when I'm away.." Thinking about you who usually warm the bed. He constantly missed being with you, "Was it your mom who call before?"

"Oh.. yes." You tried putting on a smile to cover the ugly shade in your heart. Your mother didn't agree, it meant your dad will be in the same voice as her, "Chim.." my parents knew about your past.. I don't know how to convince them, "I should go back few days. My mom still miss me." You lied to him.

"Is that so? Somehow i really understand her feelings. But it means we have to be apart again." He heard half of the conversation, it was about him. Was it wrong wanting you in his life?

"Should i go with you?" To send you alone to see your parents to defend him, he didn't feel right.

"No need." You quickly shook your head.
He loves you even more now, "Thank you for protecting me.." Jimin ruffled your hair, "But its my duty to convince your parents so that they will give their precious daughter to me."

"You heard.." You were embarrassed for caught up lying.

"Let's see them together again and this time, i will properly asking for their permission to engage with you." You leaned forward to kiss him. Jimin wrapped his arm around you.

"I love you..." You snuggled to him.

"I'm sorry my past is in the way of us for being together." He caressed your face.

"It's not something you should be sorry for... It can't be undone.." How was their story.. You wanted to know.. Why did it end up when they had child together.. He had been a father.. Your child with him won't be his first.

"What are you thinking?"

"Did you love her?" Jimin was quiet to hear your question. Those moments were resting in the back of his head.

"I did.." It was the same face he made again.
Hurt and painful.

"But you love me more now, do you?" You asked cheerfully to lit the mood, pecking him unstoppably.

"I do." He rubbed your head.
"And i will be your last." You sealed that words with kisses.

"You will be my last.." He smile.
He wasn't very open person. For so many years he kept himself alone. Attracting to you was something beyond his control.

His body, his mind..
He only know to love when it comes to you.

"What did she say?" Taehyung rubbed his mother's back.

"You, if you know about this why did you still let your sister dating that man!" She hit him with her slipper

"I just find out. This information was covered neatly. We couldn't even find any track to more evident, it was all erased." Taehyung calmed his mother

"Even from the law?" She snorted.

"Mom, he is from Park family, they are the law." Jungkook said he could not find anything about the marriage register. As if it never happened.

"There is so many people in that city how could your sister meet him.." She sighed.

"Mom, i want Y/n to be happy.. i think we should let them together, what do you think?" Taehyung was good with his act.

"What do i think? Why would i let my daughter date a divorce man? Moreover we did not know why they divorce? How if he abuse his previous wife?" Your mother was furious even more to hear his blessing.

"They are living together now.. I think.. if he wants Y/n he could just.." Taehyung shrugged

You mother massaged her head, "Your sister is very reckless, i will call her again."

"They are probably sleeping by now."

"Do i care if they sleep now?" She cursed.

You were on top of Jimin. The string from your top was sliding down from your shoulder. The two of you were heavily kissing. You could feel how hard he was down there yet he didn't hurry to have you.

Your phone was ringing, interrupting the moments. You ignored the call but it didn't stop. It was midnight! Who could it be?

Jimin wiped the corner of your mouth,

"Go pick it up." You groaned unhappily.
Seeing the caller id on your phone, your face was pale, "It's my mother.." You fixed your clothes real quick, she couldn't see you tho.

You picked up the call nervously.
"Mom?" You called her first, did she make the call out of mistake.

"Are you sleeping in his house now?" She asked. She sounds angry.

"Yes.." Jimin could heard your mother.

"Go back to your apartment now!" She yelled

"Mom, Jungkook is there." That's why you were sleeping in Jimin's in the first place.

"At least if it's him, you will be his first wife." She snorted.

"Mom!" You face palmed yourself. Taehyung smile widely beside your mom.

"Go back quickly! I will call Jungkook to ask if you arrive or not. Don't you dare to lie young lady." She hang up the call.

"Tch, i'm speechless with you!" You groaned.

"She doesn't make any sense!" You whined to Jimin. He only rubbed your head, "I will call Jungkook first." You dialed his number, hoping he didn't sleep yet. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello? Y/n?" He wondered why would you call him in the middle of the night.

"My mother scolded and told me to go back to the apartment." Now you complained to him, "Koo.. could you tell my mother that i already arrive and sleep if she calls you?"
You pleaded to him.

Jimin didn't like how that Koo sounds so intimate coming out from your mouth.

"I don't want to lie to your mother." He replied.

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