He is capable to say I love you

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"I always want to go on a date in sea world. He even arranged things so that i could feed dolphin!" You planned to tell him in calm situation. It did not went well..

"Is that so?" "I was just wanting to tease you.. but you already ahead of me with your imagination.."
Jeon Jungkook really didn't come to play around, first he entered his market territory and now he also wants his girl,

"Jen is sexy right? That's how you imagine her right? Do you imagine her too when you do me?" His eyes were now dark and serious. Did you get him just now?

"I never imagine another woman when i'm
with you." Never. "I bet it must be pleasant to be in your dream date with another man. Jeon Jungkook?" "I could make his company disappear from this city by tomorrow. You won't hear about him again."

"Don't to that!" "You are so mean!" In this city he was powerful. If he dare to bluff you with it. It only means he had the ability to.

"Then don't joke about somethings like that!
I love you, Y/n.. I'm not happy to hear you go on a date with another guy." After he looked it up, Jimin found that Jungkook and Taehyung were unseparated duo since they were young. You were growing between them.

Even there was no trace of romantic history in his report, he couldn't believe another man other than your brother won't fall for such a beauty.

"Y.. you love me..?" Dating him for a while, he never say the words.. You said it first to him, you wish him to reply but he only kiss you at the time.

He was well known with his playboy image. You thought it was probably hard for him to say those words voluntarily. It was probably hidden in his forbidden vocabulary.

"I..- did i say that?" Was he say that because he did love you or it was act of guilt for keeping a secret from you..


"You are precious to me.." He said.
You lowered your head, disappointed. It didn't matter how precious you were to him.

I love you was different.. It gave insurance..
"... Are you angry to me now..?" Hearing your sad tone and your teary eyes, Jimin couldn't help it and immediately embrace you.

"Not at all.. I'm sorry if i wasn't acting like myself.." He couldn't be angry at you.

"It's my stupid mouth.." You hugged him back tighter. You wish to hear him saying he loves you again, you stared at his face full of hopes. He only signed you to close your eyes so that you could fall asleep.

"My parents is agree to see you.." You already made the call and your mom was so excited. She heard from Taehyung, who knows her daughter could be in love with Park Jimin.

She wished to see them as soon as possible!—

You were off from college today. Jimin said he will arrange the dinner as soon as possible.
Your parents was living in other city.

So both of you probably will visit them on the weekend. You could tell how impatient your mom to hear you date him. She always thought you will end up with Jungkook.
Puppy love.

The two of you fell asleep in around the time last night. You were a bit lazy and want to sleep until midday.
"Wake up." Jimin put the breakfast on the table, "Sleepyhead." Jimin kissed your head. Stroking your hair gently.

"Huh? You are not going to office today?"
"No." Getting up, Jimin handed you the milk.

"Why?" "Aren't you busy?" He was feeding you with the toast.

"I want to spend a day with you.. Where do you wanna go? I'll ask Saeyoung to book them." He was still hiding you from the world.

It just you understood his intentions now.
"Really?" You talked with mouth full of food.
"You will choke. Finish them first and take a bath. I have to make some calls."

"Okay." You quickly finished your breakfast and dashed to the bathroom. The scene in the bathtub made your cheeks in heat. Recalling his poop expressions and argues.. something was wrong.. but he didn't wanna tell you.•

Jeon Jungkook

Reading the file in front of him carefully.
He didn't expect this outcome. Jimin had a family. He was married and divorced not long after the baby was born.

These facts were buried neatly. It was his parents doing. Only old money could do things like this without media knowing.

His informant told him that he might found something. When he heard that, Jungkook didn't expect it to be this. He expected unborn child that need to be abort. Bunch of them but found this instead.

There was few pictures of his ex wife with the child from recently. They didn't seem to live from his money. Did He leave his wife and child to chase a young girl? He doubted that.

Park Jimin had been build his playboy image over years, was that to cover this?

Somehow his informant able to get their wedding picture. It wasn't grand. It was simple ceremony. The two of them looked so happy and in love in those picture.

There was no trace of Jimin in their life after they divorced. It seemed he broke whatever the tied between them.

Jungkook gritted his teeth, how could he let a man like this be with you?
Park Jimin is a trash.

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