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Do you ever feel like when your not experiencing what is actually happening?  Like everything is just a bad dream that you cannot escape?

That's how sage felt right now. She tried to convince herself that nothing was really real, and she was having a very long dream. But she knew it wasn't. It was all true. Even what that man told her. It couldn't possibly be true could it?

If so then Her own mother had been lying her whole life. Lying straight to her face. She felt angry. Angry was a understatement. She was livid, but could anyone blame her.

She had given up though, if she did ever get out she would be really fucked up. Especially going back to her mother, trust issues were being built up, and she was losing hope and faith in anything.

Robin was slowly slipping out her mind, not by choice. Other thoughts began clouding her mind pushing him out. The only thing that reminded her of him was her bandana.

Hopefully she got out of here before she starts to slip away more and more.

"Are we ready?" Robin asks looking at the two other kids on their bike. The two look at each other before looking back at robin and nodding. It was 9 pm and the sun had went down a hour ago making it the perfect time to go out.

"Take this shit seriously you guys, this is the fucking grabber if he sees us and decides to kill us he 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥" robin says serious.

He was dressed in all black, with his hair in braids to stay out of his face. The Blakes were wearing all black too, the only thing standing out was the color of gwens bike. Hot pink was not good for this mission.

"We stay together until we get the house, Gwen you will be outside hiding. Watching the house" robin says looking the brown haired girl.

They knew the man was out, because for the past week they had been going to the supposed house where sage was at and watching the house.

"Finney i want you in the house with me don't be to loud" "Okay" he replies fidgeting with his bracelets.
Robin gives the two one last look before positioning himself on his bike and heading towards the house.

"Me and your mom used to date in highschool" The man was seated at the end of the bed facing away from the girl. " We met through a few friends and hit it off. We soon became close friends and that's when i started to fall for her"

Sage was confused as he was telling her how her mom and him knew each other. He himself didn't know why he was telling her. Maybe it was the guilt of slapping her yesterday.

"After 4 months of knowing her i asked her on a date. When she said yes i was ecstatic. I made sure i combed my hair, put on my best outfit and went to the restaurant to wait for her" his tone was bitter sweet and sage was looking at him.

"She showed up a couple minutes late but I didn't mind, I would wait forever for her" Sage could tell he was still attached to her mother by the way he spoke of her.

"After that night I asked her if I could be her boyfriend and she told me yes. A couple months later it was graduation, Your mother looked so beautiful, her skin was shining and she had the sweetest smile on her face. We both graduated and soon moved in together. Everything was going perfect until she became pregnant" his tone became darker than before.

"She left when she found out. Took all her things and left without a fucking goodbye" his voice was starting to rise and he stood up and started pacing. "The only thing left was two god damn pregnancy tests. I was furious, I searched months for her. I did up until when I saw you." he said looking directly at the girl.

Her eyes were wide and it felt like she couldn't breath. "You are the spitting image of her Sage" he says nearing the bed. "I have no intention of hurting you, but I just want my family back. If that's what it takes to get your mother here then so be it but I 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 have my family"

 If that's what it takes to get your mother here then so be it but I 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 have my family"

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I got some wicked plans for how this shit finna go down

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I got some wicked plans for how this shit finna go down. Please prepare for heartbreak.

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐬, Robin ArellanoWhere stories live. Discover now