[9] Groggbg 😨😨

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STAN MARSH POV (me when i start stanning marsh: 😩😩)

"Argh, my head.." I rubbed it aggressively, acting as if it will knock all the fogginess out. I could barely remember anything.. I remember something about.. love? and something about me being selfish, or-

"Oh fuck."

The memories came crashing back into my head. I had a crush on Kyle. It hasn't been more than a few weeks so I don't know if i'm in love..

I suddenly felt nauseous. The anxiety from thinking of kyle, and the hangover does a load to my stomach. I creeped over to the bathroom and climbed into the bathtub. I still had my hat and coat on. I sleep in my hat now I guess..

I sat still, and stared blankly. My early alarm had woke me up. So I had a long time before I had to function. I could feel my body having muscle spasms, it felt weird. My head and brain hurt, I had thoughts past my main ones. I couldn't tell you what they were though. I felt too hot, so I took off my clothes other than my swim-short thingys I was using as boxers since it was laundry day. I was still wearing my coat and hat though, that part of my body felt.. cold.

I turned on the water and let it get to my hips. I turned it off and stayed there for a solid 20 minutes. I was there, but not really. The water was cold.

I felt guilty. I drank away my problems again. I'm just like my father. He tried to start a weed farm and didn't take my opinions into account at all. What if i'm like that when I'm old? I'm already old enough to have things done against me, too young to defend myself. I will ALWAYS, remember what it's like to be a kid.

I got out of the bath, the water was too cold to handle now. The water dripped off into the water. Haha it sounded like someone pissing. I looked in the mirror. I looked like shit. I wonder if I will ever grow a beard. On my moms side, men sometimes struggle to grow beards. On my dads side, well... He has a mustache so I probably will grow a short or stubby beard or something...

I took of my pants so they wouldn't drip everywhere and ran to my room quickly. It was 5:00 AM.

I slammed the door behind me and quickly threw something else on for a shirt and pants, and put my coat and hat back on. I put in a sword earring from my goth phase and cli ur mbed back into bed. I was going to wait until 6-7 so I would seem normal.

After all, normally I'm a "depressed, cynical, self loathing freak." Who is "socially insufferable," and was "probably the reason of his parents divorce."

I felt miserable, there was a ringing in my ears and my stomach was a sinking pit. I closed my eyes that were begging to be shut. I would blink and I would wake up 20 minutes later. What was the point of me even getting out of bed? With this headache I'm not gonna learn anything at school, so what's the point? How is someone like me going to make a difference in the world? I cant even keep from
falling in love with my best friend.

I stared blankly at the ceiling, everything was vague. I then heard loud footsteps that sounded like my dads, he was probably just getting home. I sprung out of bed, I had forgotten to put the bottle away. I ran and shoved it in the drawer. I made some noises so he wouldn't come slamming in there to wake me up.

I was already dressed, so I went into the bathroom. I stared at myself. I was kinda oily. Why were my legs so short.? it made me look weird.

I brushed my teeth and made faces at myself. I ran downstairs and grabbed a tortilla. I microwaved it with provolone cheese inside of it. I was ashamed but that satisfied some of my strange hangover cravings. I went around my kitchen and found random ass things to eat, then I walked out the door to go to Kyles house.

When I was walking over to his house I saw New kid wacking a tree with a broken stick. Weird. I walked past and ignored them.

"Oh hey Stan," It was Kyle!

"Hey dude!" I ran over and squeezed him in a hug tightly.

"It's like.. 6:30? why are you up?" asked Kyle.

"Oh, I thought it was 7:00..."

"Wanna look at houses on zillow?"

"fuck yeah."

We sat down by a tree that wasn't getting hit with a stick, and looked up bad places to live. We looked at a few places and eventually looked at Gary, Indiana. It was fucking wild man.

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The description for the house was, "all brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow

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The description for the house was, "all brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow. Priced to sell! This home features a full daylight basement."

"Dude what the fuck."

"A daylight basement?! THERES NO FUCKING FLOOR!!" Kyle screeched.

This was really fun.

"You have to be the best, or the worst Realtor in the world to be able to glorify that."

"Oh wait let me try!" Piped the red head, "Built in skylights, and never seen before vertical open floor plan!"

I chuckled, "Built in fireplace! and h- high floor to ceiling ratio-"

We burst out laughing and closed the device we were looking at that house on. It was time to go to class. Or school, whatever.

Kyles hair bounced as he walked, he wasn't wearing his hat today. I patted his head and asked him where his hat was. It was fluffy today! Yay! It wasn't crunchy this time!

He blushed and informed me that Ike had stolen it, and brought it to school with him. The elementary schoolers now have earlier school hours us in south park.

We continued to walk, we spaced out a bit and continued on plots to be the best relators ever. My day somehow felt a lot brighter, but that may just be kyles mere existence.


1100 Words!!

SORRY THIS CHAPTERS SHORT, But uhh, did you like it? Not much progress but it shows Stans brain a bit more :)

Also, how old do you think I am? and WASNT THAT HOUSE SO AMAZING 🥰🥰😩😩😍😍😘😘 ONLY $8,900!!1!1! AND ALSO ONLY $8 PER SQUARE FOOT!


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