Love Maniac ( part 18 )

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All of sudden she said, leave it I will do it myself. Evan said, " Let me do it, you look more cute when you do such childish things, please I will be glad to face your childish behavior for rest of my life. Really, believe me".

Jessie became speechless. She suddenly said, oh oh I need to go. Please one more spoon, hurry up. She eat recklessly and get up. She said" I am leaving, don't waste the food get it packed for yourself, and no need to follow me, I'm fine please. Ok take care bye. She hurriedly left the restaurant, within a second she again came back. Evan asked what you had forgotten, let me see ( searching on and near the table) no mobile, no keys, no bags. Jessie nothing was left. Jessie said Evan, "before Evan could understand Jessie hold him and kissed on his cheecks, and said I forget to reply". And again left the restaurant like a storm.. Leaving Evan startled... And shocked.... He had not expected such a response.... He shouted yes... Yes I am in love. His shout was echoing in the entire restaurant.

Jessie left the restaurant, and keep running don't know where, tears were rolling down her cheecks, nobody till now had care about her so much, this feeling makes her cry. We also became emotional if people behave, care about us in a way to make it feel special, we do cry..... As it was also answer a to the loneliness we were bearing for years in our heart. It said, no I am not alone, there's somebody.

Jessie after completing her delivery work, rushed home and jumped on  the bed, hide her face between the pillows and cried a lot. She was happy and sad too.

The very next day, Ami was having a stomach pain, so today Jessie was all alone going to school. Suddenly somebody hindered her way, there were marks of fear on Jessie's face, like all of sudden ghosts appeared in front of her and then.....

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