Stargazing (Lapis Lazuli x Reader)

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I'm actually updating regularly? This is insane.


Silence. That's all that could be heard at the Gem's beach house located on the outskirts of Beach City. It was a calm summer's night, the Gems were inside their rooms and the Universe siblings were fast asleep. Steven was sprawled out on his bed, his blanket discarded in an attempt to escape the heat. There was a soft breeze that flew through the house from a window that Amethyst had forgotten to close earlier that night. The breeze brought a faint scent of the ocean, the smell bringing comfort to a sleeping (Y/N). (Y/N), Steven's older half sister, was passed out on the couch, Cat Steven curled up on her stomach, causing her black Crystal Gem Star shirt to become bunched up. The house was peaceful and silent.

Unfortunately, tender, serene moments like this one tend to not last very long. A bright, white light blasted through the room, originating from the Warp Pad at the centre of the house. A frantic and distressed, Dorito haired Gem became visible from the blast. Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst were quick to exit the temple, weapons drawn, worried as to who had intruded their home so late at night. The human siblings had begun to awaken as well, Steven hopping down the stairs as (Y/N) groggily sat up.

"Steven! Where are you!" Peridot yelled, looking around desperately for the young boy.

"Peridot, what's wrong?" Garnet asked, getting straight to the point as the other Gems put their weapons away.

"It's Lapis! She just took off!" the smaller Gem panicked, causing the others in the room to look at each other in worry.

"It's gonna be ok, Peridot. We'll find her. I promise." Steven smiled, placing his hands on Peridot's shoulders.

"Alright Gems, let's all help look for Lapis." Garnet took the lead, taking her position on the Warp Pad.

In the moments before the Warp pad was activated again, there was a brief silence, but a different silence than before. This silence was filled with the voiceless determination of those causing it, determination to find the missing water Gem and bring her home.


It had taken no time at all for the group to split up to cover more ground, each calling out Lapis's name as they searched the sprawling fields around the barn. Amethyst and Garnet combed through the fields of crops, searching for any sign of the missing Gem. Pearl had summoned a pair of binoculars and was looking across the countryside, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lapis flying home. Peridot was getting increasingly frantic as they combed through the abandoned barn, every nook and cranny being searched twice.

"Uh, Peridot? I don't think that Lapis is hiding behind the couch." Steven stressed, trying to get his friend to calm down. "Maybe the others have had more luck?" the young boy suggested, leading the green Gem out of the barn.

(Y/N) and the Crystal Gems all joined Steven and Peridot outside the barn. Everyone somberly shook their heads, reporting no sign of their missing friend. Everyone seemed lost, unsure of what to do or where to even search next.

"We can't just give up! We have to find Lapis." (Y/N) cut in, determination clear in her voice.

"How do we even know if we can find her? She could have gone to the moon for all we know!" Amethyst complained, raising her voice a little.

"It doesn't matter. I don't care where she's gone. Like I said before, we have to find her." The human girl said again, glaring slightly at the shorter Gem.

"Both of you knock it off. We won't get anywhere if we fight amongst ourselves." Steven tried to reason with the aggravated girls. "We just need to calm down and come up with a plan." Steven suggested, his reassuring words causing some of the tension to leave the situation.

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