I Promise That I Do Care (Lady Olivia x Hated Reader Pt2)

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Request from YutchMathes

Idea: (Y/N) is feeling a little more comfortable in Newtopia but is still disliked by most of its inhabitants. (Y/N), Marcy and Anne spend the day in the city catching up until things take a turn for the worst.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'C'mon (Y/N) it's time to wake up' I hear Marcy's voice. I only respond by turning away from her and pulling my quilt up over my head. 'We're spending the day with Anne, remember?' She whispers, sitting down next to me and pulling my quilt off my face.

I look up at her and give a small smile. 'Yeah ok' I softly say, swinging my legs off the edge of the bed and sitting up.

'You take your time getting ready' Marcy stands up and heads towards the door. Before she left she turned to me 'but I do warn you, if Anne gets here before you're ready then she's most likely going to come barging in'

'Duly noted' I chuckle. Marcy gives one last smile and leaves the room.

I open my curtains and look down at the busy city. Amphibians of all kinds could be seen heading to work, going on walks or greeting each other good morning. I sigh and shake my head then begin getting ready for the day.

Time Skip

No Ones P.O.V

'How long does (Y/N) take to get ready, geez' Anne complains while her and Marcy wait in the hallway.

'Just give them time Anne' Marcy says in a nervous tone.

'Nope! I'm going in!' Anne declares as she goes to march up the stairs.

'No need, I'm here' a very tired and very uninterested (Y/N) says.

'Took you long enough dude' Anne comments with a laugh.

'You all good (Y/N)?' Marcy asks.

'Yeah I'm ok, let's just go already' (Y/N) mumbles, walking past both girls and towards the exit.

Anne was confused as to why (Y/N) seemed so down. Back home (Y/N) was always full of energy, always making friends with others and always jumping in head first but now they seemed distant, tired and overall, sad. Anne shook herself out of her thoughts and followed Marcy and (Y/N) into the city.


Anne's P.O.V

After almost a full day of hanging out and catching up, me, (Y/N) and Marcy were walking through the streets of Newtopia.

'So how's life been here in Newtopia?' I ask the other two.

'Mostly good, a few downsides like the ant infestation and adjusting to the different foods but overall it's been awesome for me' Marcy answers with a smile.

'Cool, cool, (Y/N)? How bout you?' I turn to the other.

'Huh? Sorry what'd you say? I wasn't listening' (Y/N) asks.

'I was just asking how you've been? Are you ok? You seem really off' I ask generally worried for them.

'This is just how I've been, I'm fine' they huff, speeding up their pace.

'No dude seriously, what's going on?' I match their speed.

'I SAID I'M FINE!' they yell, stopping walking and turning to me.

'No you're not, just talk to me dude' I plead.

'FINE! YOU WANT ME TO TALK? THEN I'LL TALK, MY LIFE HAS BEEN HELL! YOU FOUND A HOME IN WARTWOOD, MARCY IS LOVED HERE IN NEWTOPIA BUT ME!...' they take a deep breath to calm down 'I- I haven't been so lucky' the say in almost a whisper, tears in their eyes.

'(Y/N) I-'

'Mommy look it's the monster that Lady Marcy always has with her' I look over and see a little newt girl talking to her mother while pointing at (Y/N).

I look back at (Y/N) and see them in tears. I go to reach out to them but they run off before I can.

'(Y/N) WAIT!' I call out after them. They don't stop so I start running after them until Marcy stopped me. 'What the heck dude! We need to go help them' I yell at Marcy.

'Chasing after them won't help, believe me I know'

'What do you mean that won't help!?! They clearly need us right now!' I yell again.

'You don't think I've been trying to be there for them! Look I'll explain later let's just get back to the palace' Marcy mumbles, walking away from me.

I follow Marcy but my mind is still on (Y/N). I don't think I've EVER seen them cry like that, yeah they've cried during as movies but never like that. I just really hope that they're ok.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I'm back in my secret spot crying my eyes out when I hear footsteps from behind me.

'GO AWAY!' I scream, burying my head in my knees.

'I'm sorry Lady/Sir (Y/N) but that is not an option' Lady Olivia said as she took a seat next to me.

'Please just go away, I don't want to talk about it...' I mumble, refusing to look at her.

'Very well then don't talk, just listen, lady Marcy and lady Anne told me what happened in the city, the other newts might not see it yet but how many times do I have to tell you? you're not a monster' Lady Olivia comforts.

'I'm trying to stay positive about all of this, but it really is hard with everyone telling me the opposite' I start to sob again.

'You bottling up your feelings isn't helping anything either' Lady Olivia comments.

'I just don't know what to do, I... I just don't know' I confess, still refusing to look at her.

'And you don't need to know. Lady Marcy, lady Anne and I are all here to help you figure it out.' I turn and give her a small smile which she returns 'Now would you please come downstairs, I'm afraid that lady Anne will burn a hole in the floor with all her pacing' Lady Olivia asks while standing up.

'Yeah ok, just gimmi a minute' I stand up and look out at a peaceful, mostly sleeping Newtopia. 'Lady Olivia?' I turn towards the newt.

'Yes?' She asks in response.

I hug her and cry a little more. 'Thank you, thank you so much'

Lady Olivia chuckles and hugs me back. 'Think nothing of it (Y/N), I care about you and I want what's best for you' I pull away from the hug and wipe my tears, smiling. 'Are you ready to head down?'

'Yeah I'm ready' I smile then follow her back into the palace.


Oneshot complete mate. Hope you enjoyed reading it and if so feel free to make any other requests. I love writing anything Amphibia related.

I'm almost done with school for the year so I'll have a lot more time to write in about two weeks time.

That's all from me. Cya later mates 😁

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