Leaving Confessions

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She gasped and ran into her bedroom, looking for her phone. Finally spotting it, she turned it on seeing that she had a voicemail. She smiled as she heard Crystal's message from the night before. Hanging up, she hurriedly dialed Crystal's number. Voicemail. She sighed and called the house.


"Hey Mrs. L, it's Lindsay. Is Crys there?"

"Uh, no Lindsay, she's not." Lindsay frowned at the tone of Anna's voice, she sounded so sad.

"Oh, ok. Well, do you know when she'll be back?"

"Sweetie, she's not coming back. She left." Lindsay's heart started to pound.

"She...left? What do you mean, she left? Where did she go?" Her voice got higher as the panic rose.

"She went back to Paris."

"What? Why? She didn't even say goodbye." Lindsay sank down onto the bed as tears filled her eyes. Lysandra was wrong, Crystal didn't love her. If she did, she never would've left.

"She didn't want to go through goodbyes. She told me to tell you she'd call you when she landed."

Lindsay couldn't even talk, she was crying so hard. Anna heard the sobs and felt like crying herself. She didn't know how to help these two, if it was even possible to help them at all. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

"I'm so sorry Lindsay. I hear you're not going to be here much longer either. When do you leave?"

Lindsay grabbed a tissue and wiped her nose, trying to calm down. "Leave? For what?"

"Crystal told me you and Lysandra are moving to New York."

Lindsay gasped. "What? She thinks I'm moving to New York?" Her head was spinning. "How did she...Did she say she had a vision?"

"Well, yeah. She said she saw... Wait...you're not moving?"

"No!" Lindsay yelled. "Lysandra asked me to go with her, but I said no." She took a deep breath. No time for beating around the bush. "Mrs. Lumina, I said no because I'm in love with Crystal. I love her. I know this is probably a shock, but I do. I called right now to tell her but...

"Lindsay...Lindsay.." Anna was trying to interrupt.


"Lindsay, Crystal loves you too."

"I know she does, she's my best friend." Anna sighed. Lindsay could still be so slow.

"No, honey, she's in love with you. She was going to tell you last night, but then she had that vision. That's why she left, she couldn't deal with the fact that you were moving."

Lindsay felt a fresh wave of tears. "She really does love me? But now she left...Oh my god, I have to stop her! How long ago did she leave?"

"About an hour and a half ago. Her flight was for 9:45. I don't know her flight number, but I know she stops in Washington, D.C. You have to hurry Lindsay, hurry. Leave right now!"

"I will. Thanks Mrs. L!"

Lindsay grabbed her keys and ran out the door. She drove like a maniac throught the streets of San Francisco, her heart in her throat the entire time.

She scanned the the screens, looking for Crystal's flight number. Finally spotting a 9:45 flight to D.C, she ran up to the lady at the desk, trying to catch her breath.

"Flight...914..." she wheezed. "Did it...leave..yet?"

The woman nodded symphathetically. "You just missed it. It left about 5 minutes ago."

Lindsay felt her whole world shatter. Crystal was gone. She slowly turned and began to walk away. She felt the tears building with each step she took and by the time she reached the escalator, they were in full swing.

Looking around wildly, she spotted a bathroom and made a beeline for it. She pushed open the door and fell back against it, sobbing uncontrollably, not caring if any one was in there able to hear her. There was a bench off to the side and she made her way over to it and sank down, burying her face in her hands.

She heard a toilet flush and then a few seconds later heard the water running. She didn't even look up as the footsteps started to walk towards the door, she just wanted this person to leave so she could be alone. The footsteps stopped right in front of her and she held her breath. Please don't talk to me, does it look like I want to talk?

"Lindsay?" A familiar voice reached her ears and she jerked her head up in shock.


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