Tre Amici

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The party had been in full swing for almost an hour and a half now and there was no sign of Lindsay. She asked Raymond's mother if Lindsay had called saying she was going to be late or that she wasn't coming, but Mrs. Gonzaga hadn't heard anything.

"Did you tell her I was here?" she asked Raymond suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at him.

Raymond sighed heavily. "No, Crys, I really didn't," he answered for about the seventh time. He looked at her, confused. "Why do you keep asking that? Did you have a vision that she doesn't want to see you or something?"

Crystal shrugged. "No, not a vision. I had a dream on the plane that she said she hates me for never coming home and how I should've just stayed in Paris." She glanced at Raymond worriedly. "It really freaked me out." She glanced at the clock, then back at him. "I hope it's not like that. Is it? You would tell me, wouldn't you? You better tell me. It is, isn't it? I should probably just go," she said all in one breath, turning to walk away.

Raymond grabbed her arm to stop her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He wasn't used to seeing the normally in-charge, overconfident Crystal so insecure. "Stop it. There is no way Lin is gonna be like that. All she does is talk about how she's so happy you're coming back, and that she can't wait to see you. Trust me. You just need to calm down." He squeezed her arm. "I'm gonna go get us a couple drinks." He started to walk away, then paused. "You gonna stay right here? Or do I need to take you with me?"

She made a face. "I'll be right here."

She glanced around at everyone and smiled. Some people she hadn't seen in years even before she left for Paris. She'd spent the majority of the hour just talking to different people, catching up. It was great, but there was just one person she wanted to see and talk to and she wasn't even here. She pulled out her Blackberry and re-read Lindsay's last e-mail.

Hey Crys! I just got your e-mail. I am so happy you're coming home, I can't wait to see you! I haven't been this excited since we found a way to stop global warming... and that hasn't even happened yet, so that means I've never been this excited! I don't know if you plan on staying with your parents, but I just wanted to let you know that you can stay with us if you want, we'd love to have you. Sorry this is so short, but we'll catch up when you get home. I'll see you soon. I still can't believe I can type that sentence and actually mean it!



She sighed and slipped it back into her pocket. It seemed like Lindsay was genuinely happy that she was coming home. She saw Raymond making his way back and she took the drink he handed her.

She was taking her last sip when she suddenly felt a flutter of butterflies. Lindsay was here, she could feel it.

"Oh hey, Lindsay's here," Raymond informed her, confirming her suspicions.

She look a deep breath and slowly turned around, her heart pounding in her ears. At first she couldn't see Lindsay, there was a girl with long curly light brown hair standing next to her that was blocking her from Crystal's view. She glanced at the girl quickly, assuming that this was Lysandra. She had to admit that she was really pretty. She was the same height as Lindsay and thin, dressed like she had just come out of a meeting, in a smart gray pantsuit and white shirt. Her long mane of curls reminded Crystal of the girl's hair from that show Felicity before she hacked it all off. Crystal sighed. She was a good looking girl, no doubt about it.

Then Lysandra took a step back and Crystal saw Lindsay for the first time in four years. The room seemed to fade as she felt the butterflies explode. Lindsay Zanfranco was still one of the most gorgeous people she'd ever seen. She was talking animatedly to Raymond's mother and Crystal took a few minutes to stare before Lindsay noticed her. Her hair was a little shorter, a little straighter and a little darker than it had been the last time she saw her but she was still the same Lindsay.

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