Part 2:)

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Guys, if you have any ideas, then please share them in the comment section. I will try to add them.

Thank you so much, I didn't expect to get over 100 views.

Sorry for the mistakes🤗

I completely forgot to mention in the introduction that Namjoon and Yoongi are also Mafia Kings.


Authors POV

"You are late today, aren't you?"

Jungkook shivered at the harsh tone. It was none other than his Bully Mark and his gang.

Mark is the son of one of the school's shareholder, and he and his father have no idea who Jungkook is, and he is a senior. Mark is always Jealous of Kook as he is the topper in both sports and studies. They bully him emotionally like calling him stupid and all (not BAD words as Kook is innocent Very Innocent), but sometimes also physically. Mostly Mark locks him in the locker (sorry I forgot to mention Jungkook has Claustrophobia)

Mark and his gang marched towards kook who was shivering in fear and punched in his stomach. Jungkook jolted back and fell with a loud thump. There was no one there as they were at the backside of the school.

"P-please leave me, I h-have class", Jungkook pleaded. Hearing kook Mark and his gang started laughing manically. "So tell me guys what will the teachers think when the topper comes late" Kook becomes shocked when Mark asked his friends.

"N-no please", Jungkook begged them but they dragged him to the locker and locked it. Jungkook's screams were heard all over the place but unfortunately, no one was there. (If you might be wondering why Jungkook didn't tell any of his Hyungs well that's because Mark threatened him to hurt his Hyungs and as I said he is very innocent and loves his hyungs to the end so he kept quiet and other reason is that Mark also threatened to hurt his friends.

Jungkook was begging for the last 20 min in the locker to open it but there was no one. Finally, a worker came to get something and opened the door. Jungkook immediately rushed outside and started breathing heavily. The worker gave him water and finally, after calming down and thanking the kind worker, Jungkook rushed to his class. It was Mr. Lee's science class and he is a VERY strict teacher, and always punishes the class.

Jungkook hurriedly went inside the class. He bowed and apologized to Mr. Lee for coming late but he was already angry for some reason and Jungkook's late coming acted as fuel to the fire.


Jk POV❣️💓😇

I was already very scared as I have claustrophobia and I was late that too for Mr. Lee's class. He is very strict and can't bear any indiscipline. I hurried to my class and knocked on the door, after hearing come in. I went inside but then I heard Mr. Lee shouting "Why are you late Jungkook". I immediately lowered my head too afraid to say anything.

(Actually, Mr. Lee is Mark's uncle, and same as Mark he hates Jk. He thinks that only Mark deserves all the praise, so he always punishes Jungkook without mistakes mostly and also gives him extra work. JK always tries not to make mistakes especially not in front of Mr lee but today he got late so he is sure Mr. lee will kill him)

Jungkook shakily went inside still looking down. He knew he is doomed:(

What do you think will happen next?

I know it's a short chapter I will try to write the next one longer😀

If you have any ideas please share them!💜❣️💞

Hope u like it:)💜💜💜

I will try to update soon but as I said that I am in high school and my studies are hectic so I might be able to only update at weekends.😩

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