Part 12:)

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Jin gently took Jungkook from Yoongi and brought him to his room to anoint him.


Author POV

Jin took Jungkook to his room and carefully removed his shirt. Then he left him lying on the bed and prepared the ointment.



I could sense that Jungkook was scared. His back was still black and blue with shades of red. I know it will hurt him a lot if I anoint him, but it's very necessary otherwise infection will set in. Before I started, I gently ruffled Jungkook's hair. 

"It will be fine, bunny," I said reassuringly, sensing that he was really scared. He looked at me and nodded his head. "Bun Bun Hyung will try to be very gentle, but if it hurts, tell me, okay?" Jungkook nodded his head again and replied, "Ok Hyungi."

I took the ointment and started to gently apply it to his bruised back. As soon as my hand made contact with his skin, he winced in pain. I began to apply the ointment more gently "A-ah h-hyungi," Jungkook cried. Immediately I hugged him and started murmuring soft words to calm him down. 

"Shh shh bun it will be okay". When I felt he had calmed down a little, I applied the ointment again. After what seemed like hours, I finally finished and Jungkook cried his eyes out. Normally he does not cry from pain and rather endures it so that he looks strong. But at that moment, I can not even imagine the pain my baby is in.

(If you wonder why there is someone else in the room, it is because they knew Jin was anointing the younger one so they decided not to disturb)

I quickly hugged him to calm him down. He had stopped crying, but he was still hiccupping. "Baby, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded his head cutely and replied, "N-ne h-hyung." He sat on my lap. I turned to him and said, "Come on Bunny, you should rest now" As soon as the words left my mouth, he looked at me with a "Are you kidding me?" expression I giggled and asked, "What happened Bunny". He looked at me and sweetly said, "H-hyung, I just woke up and you want me to go back to sleep?" 

I chuckled again and nodded my head understanding what he means. Jungkook normally does not like to rest, instead he is very energetic, but right now obviously I can't send him out to play, so I called Hobi and asked him to come into the room. After 2-3 minutes, he came and hugged Jungkook and kissed him all over his face, which made him giggle. I smiled seeing the interaction and told Hobi to stay with Jungkook and watch a movie with him. He nodded and both of them comfortably started watching the movie.


Author POV

After anointing jungkook, Jin went back to the living room. Then Namjoon came to him and said, "Hyung there is an important work in the office, me and Jimin have to go". Jin nodded his head, and Joon and Jimin left. 

"Are you going to punish him now?" Yoongi asked Jin breaking the silence. Jin sighed and nodded his head. Both Yoongi and Jin went to Tae's room.

As soon as Tae saw both his eldest brothers, he trembled in fear. He knew that he did wrong and he deserved to be punished but will that decrease the fear, no instead it increases it. Yoongi came forward, and folded his hands. He looked straight in Tae's eyes, which made shivers ran in his spine. "Do you know why we are here?" He asked and Tae nodded his head. "Then get in the position" Yoongi again said. Tae quickly nodded and sat down on his knees infront of the bed. 

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