Part 11:)

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All the hyungs smiled fondly and left the room. After some time jungkook slept and now Tae was thinking about the punishments he will be receiving soon.


Author POV

Next morning

Today all the Kim brothers were at home, Jin, Tae, Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok had taken time off from their respective jobs. Jungkook was also at home as he was still not feeling well.

Jungkook and Taehyung were still sleeping and hugging each other. Jin and Jimin were in the kitchen preparing breakfast. To be honest, only Jin was cooking the food while Jimin was talking to him about random things. Namjoon and Yoongi were discussing something in the living room while Hoseok was just scrolling through social media.

"Jimin, go wake up Kook and Tae" Jin said to Jimin, who nodded and went to the corresponding room.

Jimin POV

(I figured I should try everyone else's POV too, instead of just writing the author's POV. Please ignore the mistakes, because I am bad at writing in 2nd person POV)

When I entered the room, I was met with a heartwarming sight. Tae was hugging Kook protectively. I was really disappointed in Tae. How could he do such a thing to Kook? But after listening to his explanation, I had calmed down a bit, but I still would not agree that his actions were right. Because they were not. He's my twin and we are both soulmates, so I completely understand what he was feeling at the time when he got the call from HIM. But I was sad because he broke the promise. Me and Tae promised each other that we will inform each other when there is an issue on HIM. And to top it all off, he punished Kookie without even letting him explain. But I know now that he must be bursting with guilt after Kooki's explanation. So I decided to come before Hyungs and talk to him.

Author POV

Tae slowly woke up and smiled when he saw Jungkook snuggling up to him. He kissed his forehead and gently moved him back to be free. But as soon as Jungkook moved, he hissed in pain as soon as his back made contact with the bed and the smile immediately disappeared from Tae's face. He gently changed Jungkook's position and laid him on his back. Then Tae stood up and was shocked to see Jimin standing there.

He immediately panicked. Tae had no idea how to face his twin. He had broken their promise, then punished Jungkook like a monster, and now Jimin was not even talking to him since the incident. He had no idea when the tears rolled down his face.

When Jimin saw Tae crying, he understood what his twin was feeling at that moment. So he went to him and hugged him.

Tae was shocked, that would be an understatement. He thought Jimin would not even want to talk to him. Jimin held Tae's hand and pulled him out of the room because they did not want Kook to wake up now. He should sleep more.

Jimin took Tae to his room and gently wiped his tears. When Jimin saw this gesture, Tae and he started crying loudly. Jimin sighed. He hugged Tae tightly.

"I-i am s-sorry," Tae said, looking at Jimin with his sweet almond eyes. And who was Jimin to ignore him? Jimin guessed that Tae would be punished by the Hyungs today, so the most important thing right now was to reassure his twin.

"It's okay, Bear, shh it's okay," Jimin said as he calmed Tae down. Then he took Tae's hand and they both sat down on the bed.

"You know you did something wrong, right?" Tae nodded. "But now you understand that you should not have done that?" replied Tae again with a small nod. Jimin smiled. That was all he needed. Tae was guilty and he knew he had made a mistake. The Hyungs will take care of the rest.

Then the twins went into their world and talked for a while.

With Jungkook:

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and blinked twice to get used to the light. Slowly, he sat up, but hissed in pain because of the movement. Still, he ignored the pain and sat on the bed. His back was on fire. It hurt a lot, but he smiled anyway, knowing that his Tae-Tae Hyung had misunderstood him.

He slowly went to the bathroom and freshened up. Then he made his way downstairs.

As jk walked down the stairs, he saw Jin cooking, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi talking to each other. He slowly walked into the living room. When Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi saw him, they smiled broadly and jk smiled back too. Suga carefully let him sit on his lap. Hobi checked his temperature and sighed, as it was still high.

Then jk called all his brothers except Jimin and Tae, who were both still in the room.

"What happened buns?" Jin asked after pecking Jungkook in the face several times. Jungkook chuckled, causing everyone to grin widely. His laughter was the cornerstone of their house.

"Hyungs, are you going to punish Tae-Tae Hyungi?" Jungkook asked, looking cutely at his hyungs. Everyone else present sighed, they knew this conversation was coming. Jungkook was always like this. He hated it when one of his hyungs was punished because of him. Jin patted Jungkook's hand and said,

"Yes, Bunny Hyungs will punish Tae-tae." Hearing this, JK's eyes became watery. "B-but h-he," Jungkook tried to say but was interrupted when Yoongi hugged him tightly, but he suddenly winced in pain when his back touched Yoongi's chest. Yoongi immediately let go of Jungkook and asked him if he was okay. Jungkook assured Yoongi that he was fine.

Jin then said to Jungkook, "Bun Bun we know you do not want Tae-tae to be punished?" Jungkook nodded. Jin continued, "But if Kookie makes a mistake, he will be punished by Hyung, right?" Jungkook nodded again, "So, Kook, Taehyung made a mistake, so Hyung will punish him. You know it's a rule to ask for an explanation without punishing, right? But Tae did not do it," Jin said. Jungkook looked sadly at the ground, he knew Jin was right but he still did not want his hyung to be punished. He looked up with teary eyes, which made everyone sad. Then he said cutely, "Ok hyung but promise me you will not punish him harshly ok?"

Everyone was amazed but not surprised, the boy's heart was very pure and innocent. They all giggled and nodded assuringly to the youngest. They did not want to punish Taehyung either. Tae is always very considerate of his brothers, he is hardworking, but this time he made a big mistake and his hyungs just want to make sure it does not happen again

Jin then gently took Jungkook from Yoongi and took him to his room to anoint him.

What punishments do you think Tae will get?

Who is this HE?

How will the Hyungs punish Mark and his stupid uncle?

That's it for today!

1300 words (woah that's long)

Hey you alll!🥰🥰🥰🥰

I am finally back!

Ahhh my exams were really tiring.

If you have any ideas please share them!💜❣️💞

Hope u like it:)💜💜💜

Please vote and comment!💞

Please ignore the mistakes. I was too lazy to proofread.

Thanks for the amazing rankings, votes and views.

I love you all!!💜💜💜💜💜💜

BYE BYE until next time:)

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