Part 9:)

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Tae was sitting in the same position crying his eyes out. When he saw Jin coming toward him he immediately went towards him and hugged his legs and started crying harder.

"H-hyung I-i didn't m-mean t-to h-hurt h-him," Tae said while crying and shaking badly.



Author POV

Jin: "But you did tae, You did hurt him. It was more than punishment and you know it."

Hearing this Tae started crying harder if that was possible. He regretted everything he did in the last few hours. Tae started breathing heavily and kept mumbling sorry.

Jin quickly hugged the younger. Yes, he was definitely angry with taehyung and was disappointed as well but he knew his brother way too much. He already had an idea that there is something the rest of them weren't aware of something tae was hiding.

Jin patted Tae's back and kept hugging him. After 10-15 min tae calmed down. Jin cupped his face and said, "Bear tell me what is wrong?". Tae looked at Jin shocked. His Hyung did know him too well. Tae shook his head not wanting to discuss but none of the KIM brothers can stay firm or lie when THE KIM SEOKJIN looked at them sternly. Jin was the sweetest brother of all but when he is angry............

Tae looked at Jin with his almond eyes that are now swollen due to constant crying.

"H-hyung h-he c-called" Tae said stuttering. JIN was shocked. He looked at Tae indicating to continue. "H-he said I-i am a very b-bad b-brother. Am I bad hyung" He asked Jin, his eyes again starting to get teary.

Jin immediately shook his head and cupped Tae's face and softly replied, "N-no Bear you are not bad. I told you not to listen to him"

"B-but he also t-talked bad a-about everyone else a-and he said t-that he will a-also harm

j-jungkook" Tae replied and if jin could get any more shocked.

"What else did he say?" Jin asked he knew that this was not all. Tae took out his phone and showed it to Jin. There were pictures of Jungkook playing in the park ALONE.

Tae looked at Jin and said, "H-he was a-alone at the park, t-there was no b-bodyguard with him " Jin was dumbfounded. It was a rule especially for Jk that where ever he will go there will be bodyguards with him. First, because namjoon and yoongi are mafia kings so they have many enemies and Second the Kim brothers are no small face. They are famous worldwide so they needed security 24/7.

"I-i was really scared h-hyung, What if something happened to him?" Tae continued. Jin hugged him. "I was going to talk to him but.."

"But what Tae" Jin asked "I got a call from his school," Tae said.

Jin was SHOCKED the nth time. Getting a call from Jk's school was very rare, he was very good at studies and always behaved well.

"What? Why was there a call from Jk's school?" Jin asked. Tae sighed and replied, "Hyung his science professor called and said that he always comes late a-and"

"and what tae?" Jin asked getting anxious. "Hyung he misbehaved with him and was almost going to s-slap the teacher and he also bullies" Jin was shocked again. "I was really angry and I didn't know what I was doing" Tae continued and he again started crying.

Jin sighed, "Did you ask him?" This time tae was shocked. He looked at Jin and said, "Aksed what hyung?"

Jin replied, "Did you ask jungkook that did he really misbehaved with his teacher, Did you ask him that did he really bullied someone, did you ask him the reason why he comes late to the classroom? " Tae wanted to reply but no words came out of his mind. He now realized that he never gave the younger the chance to explain. Jungkook kept asking him to listen but he was too adamant.

"You know Jk tae, He is not like this. Tell me what if he never did anything wrong, huh? Which I am 100% he didn't" Jin continued. Tae was drowning in guilt. How could he do it?

"H-hyung I-i," Tae said but Jin stopped him and said, "I know you were worried but what you did was completely wrong and I hope you know it" Tae looked down but slightly nodded his head. "Right now I want you to make everything right, Jk must be very scared of you. Talk to him. And don't think you will not get your punishment young man" Jin said sternly and tae again nodded.



What do you think will happen next?

How will Tae make everything right?

What punishments will he get?

If you have any ideas please share them!💜❣️💞

Hope u like it:)💜💜💜

Please vote and comment!💞

Sorry for the mistakes:)

I tried to make this part longer:)


The next part will be uploaded next week!

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