Part 7:)

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Jungkook looked up and saw yoongi and made grabby hands. Yoongi immediately engulfed the younger in a hug carefully trying not to hurt him more.

The younger's crying didn't stop. But what he said next broke both the elder brother's hearts.


Author POV

"Y-yonie i-ish k-kokie a b-bad b-boy?" Jk asked, and started crying

(Whenever Jungkook is scared or too happy he talks like this moreover, he is STILL a kid {14 years})

Yoongi and Jin panicked, as the younger's words shattered their already broken heart. Yoongi immediately starts swaying the younger to calm him down while whispering sweet words.

After some time the younger calmed down a bit. "No Kookie you are a very good boy," Yoongi said to Jk. But to his surprise, the younger started shaking his head and said, "N-no Yooni t-t-tae t-tae said kookie bad but kookie no did bad t-thing"

Before Jungkook could start crying again Jin gently took him on his lap and caressed his hair. "No kook you are a very good boy and tae-tae might be mistaken. Hyung will talk to him" Jin said assuring the younger who seems to NOT understand anything at the moment. He starts to cry silently and said, "B-but then w-why t-tae-t-tae punished kookie?" Jin sighed knowing that this time taehyung has messed up badly.

"Hyungs will punish tae tae for punishing kookie ok?" This time yoongi said but jungkook shook his head negatively and replied, "N-no Y-yoonie don't h-hurt t-tae-tae". Both the elders cooed at their youngest thinking how pure and innocent he is.

"Ok, now my bun is a very good boy right?" Jin asked playfully. Jungkook nodded his head replying yes. "So bun will you lay on the bed so hyungi will treat kookie?" Jin asked politely. But as expected fear took over the younger and he side-hugged yoongi saying, "N-no i-it w-will h-hurt" Yoongi sighed and gently hugged the younger.

"Kookie if you let hyung treat you then I will give you 2 ice-creams ok?" Yoongi said to jk trying to convince the scared boy and surprisingly but not surprisingly the younger agreed. "Promise?" Jungkook asked. Both Jin and yoongi chuckled and yoongi replied, "Promise"

Jungkook lay on the bed after removing his hoodie, facing his back towards Jin. When Jin saw the bare back of the younger tears automatically fell from his eyes. He took the ointment but as soon as his hand came in contact with the younger's skin, Jk started crying. Yoongi immediately hugged him and Jin continued his work. During the whole time, the younger was bawling his eyes, when Jin was finally done which felt like hours he took the youngers head in his lap and started patting it telling him that it was over. Jungkook again slept due to exhaustion. Jin and Yoongi sighed.

Some time later, the rest of 3 Kim Brothers (Namjoon, Jimin, Hobi) were there.



I thought to upload it today!🤫

What do you think will happen next?

If you have any ideas please share them!💜❣️💞

Hope u like it:)💜💜💜

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Sorry for the mistakes:)

The next part will be updated on Tuesday probably 💕

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