Part 3:)

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Jungkook shakily went inside still looking down. He knew he is doomed:(


Introduction of new characters

Mr Lee

-Jungkook's science professor

-very strict

-uncle of Mark (Jk's buly)

-always do what Mark asks him to

-punishes jk for no reason

-envoys jk for being smarter than his nephew

-(a secret which will be revealed later)


-Jk's classmate and bully

-is jealous of jk for everything

-always try to hurt him

-is rich but obviously not as the Kim's (duh they are the richest)


Author POV

Jungkook knew that today the professor will not leave him. The professor was already very mad (lol just think of any reason) so there was no chance for JK to survive.

Jungkook was about to enter the class, when suddenly mark enters and smirks.
"hahhaha what will happen to you today JK?" he whispered to kook who just lowered his gaze even more. Mark then went to his uncle/professor and said to him to hardly punish Jungkook, who just nodded his head with a similar smirk.

"WHY ARE YOU LATE? DONT YOU KNOW THAT THE CLASS ALREADY STARTED 15 MINUTES AGO?", Mr Lee shouted at Jungkook who flinched hearing a harsh tone. Jungkook mumbled a small sorry while looking down. "Go to your seat for now and after the lesson I want you in my office. UNDERSTOOD?" He said to Jungkook, who could do nothing else but nod his head and say, "Ok sir".

Jungkook went to his seat and focused on the lesson not wanting to make the professor more angry. He knew that after the lesson he will be in Hell.



Author POV

The class was now over and Jungkook was trembling in fear. He slowly went towards Professor Lee's office.

"Come in" Mr lee said. He continued, "You are becoming a brat day by day and now you need punishment." Jungkook kept looking down.
"20 strokes with wooden scale on each hand" Mr lee said holding a thick wooden scale.
He then said, "Jungkook hands out and if you try to move your hand I will double the number. OK" Jungkook just nodded while tears running down his face.
He kept his hand out as advised. Then suddenly he felt a harsh pain on his right palm as the scale made contact with his skin making him yelp in pain.




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