McLeach x Reader - Bonus Chapter! (Lemon🍋)

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After five more years of being together, you both finally tie the knot. The wedding may have been small, but it was wonderful. Your friends, family was there, and so was his, as well as Cody and his mom. You were happy to see Cody again, and surprisingly, him and McLeach have made amends. You were happy to see that, as well as catching up with Cody's mom.

Soon after the wedding, you, McLeach, Joanna, and (Fav.Name) were heading back to your new home, which was McLeach's old hideout. Yes. After Cody and his mom came to the wedding, they've decided to move back into their old house. You didn't mind giving it back to them, since it was their home for a long time, even before Cody's father died. Of course, they offered you and McLeach to stay, but you both gently decline, saying that you both already have a house built.

But you both did promise you will come by to visit.

(Time Skip)
Night time came, and you were all relaxing by the fire at the same place you were in when you and Cody were kidnapped. Of course, you put that in the past.

Yes, you went back with McLeach, but instead of calling this place a hideout, you both call it your home. Joanna and (Fav. Name) were out doing who knows what, McLeach is making some food, while you went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, you got yourself wrapped up in a towel, and went to the chest McLeach got you for your stuff. You open it, and pull out a present that one of your friends gave you. A flashback came to your head.

(Flashback - Wedding Day)
"Here you go, (Name)! Something just for you." Your friend, (F/N) says with a big smile. You gladly take it, and give it a little shake. Wondering what it is, you were about to open it, until (F/N) put her hand over yours.

"No. Wait until you're alone, then open it." She says on a hushed tone. You must've gave her a confused look, as she continued to say what she meant.

"(Name), I know you believe in sex after marriage, and I figured that now you are married, you can finally do it. But first, I suggest you, well, practice." She explained. That made you even more confused, to which she laughs, and whispers, "You know, more than what you already know." She explains with a wink.

That hit you, hard.

"Oh, that." You said, making her laugh even harder, almost grabbing the other's attention. She composed herself, and walks off. "Trust me girl, you'll see what I mean."
(End of Flashback)

Well, like she said, wait until you're alone. You sit on your bed, and open it. Inside, was something you did not expect to have.

A realistic. Freaking. Dildo.

Your eyes went wide, as you saw this. It came with a bag, and a bottle of cleaners for it, and some lube too.

"Well, thanks, (F/N). I guess." You said to yourself. You stare at it more, and immediately felt knots in your stomach. Well, Percival is not here at the moment, so why not practice now? But first, of course, you had to clean it. You grabbed the bottle, and went to the sink.

After a moment of cleaning it, you put the cleaner under the sink, and turn around, but froze.

Your husband is standing at the entrance.

"Ah, so that's what she gave you, huh?" Your husband asked. 'Oh. Shit.' You thought. "I was wondering why your friend wanted talk to you alone.  But I never expected her to give you something like that." He continued, while pointing at the toy. You hitched a breath as he got closer to you, while staring at it. You let him take it from you, and he looks at it. But now, he focuses on you.

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