Let's See Red.

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I shook with anger. I'm seeing red. I'm ready to bash his face in. Who does he think he is? Standing there with his almighty smirk because he knows he got to me. He probably thinks he's getting back at me for this morning.

"You are the most infuriating person I have ever talked to!" I huff out an angry breath. "Why won't you admit that you bumped into me this morning and just now? It's your fault!" I throw my hands up and watch his cool expression. None of my words have affected him, making me even more mad.

"You seem a little mad." He's enjoying this, I know he is by the way his eyes are lighting up along with his smirk.

"Ughh!!" I yell out and my voice cracks. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. My vocal cords hate me. That was the worst time for a voice crack, but then I hear a crackle. What the heck? I look to the boy and see him belting out the most incredibly crazy laugh I have ever heard.

I narrow my eyes at him. Is he for real? Is that his laugh? Slowly a smile slips onto my lips just from his laugh. So carefree.

"That voice crack tho." He chuckles to himself and shakes his head. "Do you know who I am?" He asks me and crosses his arms over his chest.

I try to think from my past years that I've went to school here and I can't recall ever meeting him. I internally huff and shake my head.

"Good." His brown eyes narrow at me. "Now. Leave me alone." He turns and starts off, but now i'm curious in him.

"Wait! Whats your name?" I jog back up to him and marvel at how long his legs are.

He rolls his eyes and stops. "You don't need to know my name. You need to leave me alone so I can survive the rest of my year."

I won't let this go. I will know his name.

"Jack would suit you, I think." I blurt out to keep him from walking away.

He give me a weird look. "Thats not my name. "

I fan my face as the sun beats down on it. "How 'bout Mark?"

I have his full attention. "Nope."


"Noope." He's smiling now.

"Hmm..Harry! Like Harry Potter?"

"Your kinda bad at this."

"Mason? Thats a nice name."


"I give! Please tell me?" I lace my hands together in front of my face and give my best puppy dog eyes.

"All you had to do was ask." He smiles and I gasp. "I'm Jonathan."

Then he walks away. That little brat. I did ask! Jonathan. Thats a nice name. It fits him.

I look around for my mom and didn't see her anywhere. So, I sit and wait on the front steps of the school. Every one has already pulled out so I watch the stragglers like myself.

"Rae!" I turn to my right and see Emma running up to me like a mad women. Her flaming pink hair flows behind her. "How was your first day? Mine was okay I guess. Not that you asked. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you this morning. I felt bad. I like I should have text you and told you why I didn't talk to you."

I stumble back as she pulls me into a bear hug. Emma is one of my closer friends. I've known her forever and love her to death. She's pretty popular even if she is super crazy and random. So, she hangs out with a whole different crowd than me and somethings ignores me, which hurts some times, but I get over it because I know she likes the life she has.

"It's okay Emma. I would have found you, but I was rushing to find most of my classes." I say back to her. I felt bad knowing she felt bad.

"Okay. Well, how are you getting home?" She says back and gets a glimmer in her eye.

"My mom should be picking me up soon."

"Oh. Well tell her I said hi and I would love to hang out on of these weekends." She pouts a little bit. "Okay. I have to get home myself. Love ya Rae!" Then, she bounces off.

Emma can talk forever if you let her. I try to cut her off sometimes, other wise I would never get a word in.

I sit back down and rest my head on my knees. I think about pulling out a book and reading, but I just don't feel like it. I stay like that until my mom rolls up her car.


Tadaaaaa I love it when my characters fight. I like this chapter a lot more.

Umm..Yea. That's it. Thanks to the last people who commented on the last chapter. You guys were the reason I wrote this chapter today, so...kisses. :)

Also. I didn't read this over. :3 Sorry.

Okay. You guys know the drill.




Have a beautiful dayyy!!


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