dedication / acknowledgements

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for my big sister

thank you for tolerating me and being my inspiration, as well as making mistakes that I could learn from so I wouldn't get in the same trouble that you did in your teenage years.

and thank you for being my best friend, "friend".



to my biggest supporter, my lifeline, my husband - your love has inspired me. thank you for listening to my rambles and staying interested in this story that has been hidden in my computer for years. you believed in it even when I didn't.

I'll always remember you telling me: "I can't believe I'm dating someone who wrote my favorite book!"

although, I'm pretty sure you were just trying to stay on my good side. I've seen you read Dan Brown.

you continue to push me and push me every day to follow my dreams. I'm so happy I chose to marry you. thank you for working so hard for us so I can continue living in my dreams. I hope it will pay off so you can catch a break.
I love you.


thank you for not letting me jump off that ledge.

you saved my life - you were my miracle, my guardian angel.

thank you for never giving up on me even when I seemed hopeless. you always kept that hope for me when I didn't. and now that I am a mother too, I understand why you did and I am sorry for all the worry and stress I put you through.

I'm okay now.

Cover Art: myself via Canva
Instagram: @ samanthamvogt
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