Chapter 7

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I was sitting on the porch with Charlotte when an old car pulled up. It was making the most awful sound. Then, a gorgeous girl hopped out of it. "Piece of crap car." She muttered. She tutned around to the "fabulous five" who were staring at her in awe. "Hey dad." She said. All but one went, "me?" It was Mr. Hillards daughter. How do you get that from that? "Hey Jasmine." He said and hugged her. Awe!! I looked behind them and saw Greg and Andre checking Jasmine out. Oh wow. I decided to go and scare them so I snuck behind the car and opened the door. Since they were in a trance by the girl, they didn't notice. I closed the door and sat behind them. I waited a couple if seconds. "Hoochie mama." Andre said. "What does that mean?" Greg asked. "I don't know but it feels right." Andre responded. When they still didn't notice me, I decided to speak up. "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully. They screamed. "Oh my God!!" "Whatcha doin'?" I asked them innocently. "Oh uh... N-nothing." Greg stuttered. "Nothing huh? Then whatcha looking at?" I asked. "Um..." "Does it happen to be that girl out there?" I asked sarcastically. His face when white. "That's what I thought." I said and stuck my tongue out at them and got out of the car and went back to the house.

That night, I was sitting on my bed while braiding Beckys hair. It's the only thing that would calm her down since her mom made a mistake saying that she'd put the dollar under pillow cause she lost her baby tooth. Everyone else was bored outof their mind and Greg decided to stare at me from across the room. I got and idea. "Hey guys!!" I exclaimed. "What?" They all asked. "Why don't we make cup phones." I suggested. "How?" Keithie asked. "Get some string, tape, and some cups." I said. We all got the supplies and conected them to eachothers cups. Mine was attached to Gregs, Donnas, Charlottes, and Beckys. "Hey babe. Can you hear me?" Greg asked to me. "Yes. Can you hear me?" I asked. "Yes." We all started to say stuff in our cup phones when Mr. Feder walked in. "Didn't I say no cellphones?" He said about to scold usubtil he saw us with cup phones. "Whats up dad?" Greg said casually. "Are those cup phones?" He asked. "Yea. It was Daisies idea. Pretty cool huh?" Greg said. We started to saw stuff again and Mr. Feder looked around stunned. He found the source to all of the phones and scared Andre while he was saying something. "Attention please. Please install cup phones in every adult room, right away." He said in a weird voice. Me and Greg ran to my dads room and connected a cup phone in there. When we got back, we were the first ones back. "You know I'm leaving tomorrow right?" He said. I frowned. "Yea." I said sadly. "We'll still call and text eachother right?" He said hopefully. "Yes of course." I said and grabbed his hand. I put my hesd on his shoulder. Enjoying the moment while it still lasts. When everyone came back, I laid down. "Goodnight dad." I spoke through the cup phone. "Goodnight sweetheart. I love you." He said. "I love you too" I said and rolled over and went to sleep.

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