Chapter 4

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While all the rest of the kids inside playing videos games or watching them play, I was outside taking pictures of the lake and the animals I find. I changed into some more comfortable clothes (picture). I saw a lizard on the side of a tree and tried to take a picture of it but it scurried of. So far I've taken pictures of a fish jumping out of the lake, the lake itself, a squirrel, a bird, and a turtle. I was trying to take a picture of another bird when I heard groans of protest coming from the house. I looked over to see Mr. Feder carrying his sons out of the house. Soon after everyone else, except my dad since I was already outside, went to go get their kids.

We were going on a walk in the woods while the grown ups were talking about what they did when they were little. "You're dad use to make us do the stupidest things growing up." My dad said. "We use to shoot bottle rockets at eachother but you always aimed it at the guys face so you would blinde them." He said. They named other things that they did when they were young and Mr. Feder said we should build a tree fort so he got us started. "No way!" He exclaimed all of a sudden. "What is it?" I asked. "Rope on a tree baby!" Mr. Lamonsoff. "You know what that means." He said excitedly. "We get to hang ourselves?" Charlotte asked annoyed. "You see a rope on a tree and that doesn't want to make you go nuts?" Mr. Feder asked surprised. Mr. Lamonsoff wanted to swing on it and jump into the lake. "And class is in session." He said the swung into action. But that take, was a big fail. He got scared and ran into a tree and plummeted to the ground. "Oh God! It's broke! It's the bone! It's a stick! I got ya!!!" He screamed. "Wow very mature." I said. Everyone started laughing until Becky said. "Daddy that bird is hurt!" Oh no. That poor bird.' I thought sadly. I don't like it when animals get hurt. Or anything at that matter. "Oh my God. I'll go get a shoe box or something." Mr. Feder said. I frowned. 'Poor little bird.' I thought. I put my camera around my neck and climbed down carefully and knelt down and gently picked the bird up. It tried to wriggle put of my grasp. "Shhh darlin' it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." I cooed. "You're really good with animals." Someone said from behind me. I let out a squeak and turned around to see Greg. I smiled. "Oh. Greg you scared me. But thanks." I said. I started to climb back up the hill. "Fo you like animals?" I asked him. "Yea. A little." He said. I was trying to grab a root to pull myself up but slipped. I was about to fall when strong arms grabbed me and pulled me up. I looked up to meet a pair of brown eyes. I was so close to Greg. One of arms were around my waist with his hand on the small of my back and they other hand was holding mine. I was still holding the bird gently with the other. "Oh. Th-thanks." I said and backed up. He looked at me with a dazed, loving look in his eyes. "Yea." He said dreamily. "I have to go find your dad. Come on. I don't want you leave u alone." I said. And started to walk back towards the house.

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