𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟗: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞

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"Why is it wonder,
That I Fell In love with you
All I can Think about is being loved by you
On this night when I am alone"
-Hitori no Yoru by TXT
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It was just one chair and a black wall on the backround. The Producer came and sat at the chair, she smiled and she began to spoke....

In our world today there are many definitions of love. Whoever we go, every people have their own definition. On you, what is your own definition of love? Sometimes we didn't know what is really the true definition of it. If we think of love, the first thing that came up to human minds is romantic love. Am I right?

But do you know that everything you know is not really the meaning of love? When you define love, you make sure that it would be used in our daily living.

"Sabihin na nating oo, napaka-cruel ng reality, maraming naglipanang masamang tao, maraming mapanghusga, manloloko, sinungaling, magnanakaw, mapang-api, pasikat at epal. Pero hindi ganito ang buhay kung pupunuin natin ng pag-ibig ang mga puso natin" (Love at its Best by FGWriter in Wattpad)

Translation: "Yes let's say that the reality is so cruel, there are many bad people, judgemental, Swidler, Liar, a thief, bully, a person who loves to show off and shameless people but if we fill ourselves with love, we cannot do this actions."

What is love?

Love is Patient

Hara's love for her ex is patient one. Even though her ex hurt her and is so toxic in their relationship but still Hara is so patient. When his ex returned to the love mansion, even though she was angry, she still remain to be patient. That is what love is.

"If your patient, you are slow to anger, you endure personal wrongs without retaliating (having revenge). You bear with others' imperfections faults and differences. You give them time to change, room to make mistakes without coming down hard on them" by Steven J. Cole

Love is Kind

When you see Jin Shae love's to Eui Yeon, he is kind, he knows that there will be 50% percent that Eui Yeon will not love him back but he just shows it without expecting any in return. Love is kind when you do actions that you did not ask for repayment.

"Kindness is patience in action. A kind person is disposed to be helpful. He seeks out needs and looks for opportunities to meet those needs without repayment. He is tender and forgiving when wronged." by Steven J. Cole

When Love is kind, it does not envy

There are many love triangle in this, love square on this story. Song Chi's love to Junhyeok when Junhyeok love somebody else. Junhyeok loves to Jaemi when Jaemi loves somebody else. You can see even though they are jealous but they are not that kind of jealous that would destroy others. If you would displeased with others action and you really wanted the success of others, that is not good already. Because love is not envy, it it does not destroy other people

When Love is kind, it does not boast, proud and did not dishonor others...

Jia and Jimin love to each other is not boastful one, even thought both of them are successful they did not boast that they are having this kind of achievements. Keith Kerrell once said "Love is not big-headed but big hearted"

Minhyuk love is also like that, even though he is a model, he is not arrogant at all. He did not build up his 'me' persona but he is trying to build up other person. Love is humble.

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