𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝟐: 𝐅𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Episode Part 2: Hara and Sunwoo

Title of this Chapter: Forgiveness

Song for this chapter: Can you see my heart? By Heize

"Armaan you will finish this up," Hara said, she was in surgery together with the other surgeons and nurses

"Okay subaenim"

Hara smiled at Armaan. She knows Armaan as Jia's sister but can't help but be amazed at how great Armaan is even though he is just 1 year a doctor.

"You did a great job and also you guys," Hara said as she left the surgery room. She removes the plastic glove and throws it. After that, she stretches her hand while walking. She was tired because her surgery schedule was straight from 5:30 am in the morning up to 2:30 in the afternoon. Honestly, she did not have lunch yet because of how packed her schedule was. She decided first to went to her office.

When she arrived at her office, she sat down and smiles when she saw the last photo where the contestants gathered.

She misses her friends so much, it has been 5 years since the show ended and many happened to their life. Their bond becomes closer after the show ends. For the first 2 years, they still met each other but during the last 3 years, they become distant because they were busy with their personal lives, especially Minhyuk.

Even though she is most closes to Minhyuk on the show, they did not contact each other in the last 3 years and she didn't how he is, he just heard that he is still single and a model, especially the others. The one she contacted often was Jia.

"You miss them?" Sunwoo enters her office and she nodded

"Very much," she said "Did you eat your lunch yet?"

"I'm waiting for you," he said that making Hara blush "Let's go I prepared something on the rooftop"

The two of them went to the rooftop. While walking, the two of them can't help but talk about many things. If you really don't know them personally, you would think that they were just best friends but they are not. They have been in a relationship for 5 years and it is going strong.

Hara's first relationship was not really healthy. She is the one who gives love and exerts effort in their relationship, Hyunjae did nothing but blame her that she loves her best friend more than him. It was not a very healthy one. It is toxic.

That was the reason why she become anti-romantic

When she broke up with Hyunjae, Sunwoo was always there for her. Just like all the story cliches, she fell in love with her best friend but she is not ready yet because her heart was still broken...

When she heard about this dating show, she decided to join because she wanted to heal herself and she is through Minhyuk, her heart was now healed...

And because of Minhyuk, she opens her heart to her bestfriend, Sunwoo

When they arrive at the rooftop, she smiles as she saw there is already a picnic blanket and pack lunch

"OMG, my favorite" Hara said as she saw her favorite Indian cuisine on the packed lunch. The two of them began to eat and Hara can't help but say yummy and she dances while she was eating

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