The sunlight comes through my bedroom window making my eyes hurt, which makes my headache grow not to mention that night I couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in the park and all. what Tom said.I get up from my bed and as I go to the bathroom every day, I take my shower, get dressed and leave my room down the stairs to the kitchen, where Harry, Sam and Tom were already there but Nikki was not there.
—Good morning Julie, did you sleep well? — Harry asks me.
—Not much, I feel like my head is going to explode.
—Today we walk to school because our parents had to take care of business.
Then I remembered what Tom had told me about what his father had done last year and I soon realized what matters they were going to deal with, and maybe I was right because Tom hadn't uttered a word.—Why do we have to walk when Tom could drive us in his car? — Harry said plaintively.
—Do you have a car?— I asked because I thought he still didn't have a driver's license.
—Yes, it was a gift from my grandparents.
—Well, if we were we could drive to school.
—It's all right. Let's go then.
We grabbed our bags and headed towards the garage where there was a covered "object" which I deduced was the car. Then Tom removed the cloth and a BMW i8 appears right there in front of me, it's so beautiful my god.
We got in the car, I went with Sam in the back seats and Harry with Tom in the front.
We arrived at school very quickly and everyone was looking curious to know who would own that car. We got out and headed up to the building with everyone's eyes on us.I spotted Grace and walked over to her and we went to class together. After our math class, break came and I arranged to meet the boys out on the patio, I took Grace with me, of course because after you told me you had a crush on Harry because I wasn't going to lend a hand and bring these two together. .We sat next to Sam and Harry.—Hi, guys, I want to introduce you to my new friend Grace.
—Yes, we know her we've crossed paths several times here. How are you, Grace? — Harry said with a smile on his face. Maybe it's not that hard to put these two together.
—I'm doing good.
We were talking about random stuff but especially Grace and Harry were talking very animatedly and Sam and I watched as we exchanged glances and giggles about the future lovebirds in front of us, until my attention shifted to another event. A few meters away from us, Tom was kissing Olivia.
How come Nikki hadn't told him to stop dating this girl because he was a bad influence. And what happened between us, yesterday's kiss apparently meant nothing to him. I couldn't stand to see this scene and then he left the courtyard heading towards the interior of the school and then I remembered that I had something to do. Sign up for the dance club.
I go to the club room and find some girls there rehearsing until they see me and stop one that I think maybe deja the leader comes towards me.
—Hi, Julie, right? Grace told me about you. By the way my name is Sophie.
—Nice, well, I was wondering if I could join the club.
—Of course I can, Grace told me that you might be interested but wasn't sure if you'd come, I'm glad you came and to have you on the team. So let's make your registration— She took a sheet to write my data— Here's the schedule, we have training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Wednesday we sometimes have training with the cheerleading team and Friday the training is on the field while the football team has practice too.

Did I fall in love?|Tom Holland (ENGLISH VERSION)
FanfictionJulie is a 17-year-old teenager who moves to London where she will live with the Holland family. She adores this family, especially the twins Sam and Harry who make her laugh and get along the most, but one of the brothers, Tom, doesn't like the ide...