I have my face buried in the pillow as thousands of thoughts run through my mind.I can't keep thinking about Tom, much less that there could be a possibility that there could be some feeling between us. Yesterday it seemed that everything matched perfectly, the fragile way, how he found himself upset telling me about his parents and our kiss... I... I Nei know what to think or how to act.
How he can seem like a good boy, so fragile that it makes me want to be by his side, because it just seems the right thing to do, but also how he can be cruel and not even care, more like he has no shame in his face. with Olivia and when he remembers my existence, he comes to tell me about what happened as he expected me to admit something, as if it were another conquest.
But I can't just blame him, because it's my fault too. Why would I be attracted to someone so insensitive, so rude...ghrrr...I hate myself so much right now.Thinking in a depressing way, shut up in my room is getting me nowhere and of course I can't show that I feel affected by the events that have happened, so I'll go back to the living room.
I gain strength and get up from the bed, leave the room and go downstairs, when I arrived in the living room everyone was concentrating on the movie, and the popcorn bowl was there, Tom must have finished preparing them.
I sat down next to Harry, no one said a word, they just kept their eyes focused on the TV. Which wasn't bad, so I won't have to explain my sudden retreat.
1 hour has passed and at this exact moment the credits pass. Soon the sound of the front door opening fills the room and then Nikki appears. She has a very despondent and tired look, so the "issues" she had to solve must not have been at all favorable which leads me to notice the lack of Dom.It's possible by the look on Nicola's eyes that she's not very happy with Olivia's presence.Olivia, realizing that her presence is not very convenient, gets up and goes to the door, wishing her a good night and then leaving.For seconds a silence fills the place.
—Tom, I thought I had forbidden your relationship with Olivia. You know she's not good company and how much she's harmed you. —Nikki said with a disappointed expression but not letting go of the tired and worried air with which she had returned home.
We are all silent and Tom doesn't say a single word either and he is crestfallen.Nicola sits on the couch and our eyes focus on each other.
—Well, as you know, your father and I are going through a difficult phase, due to behaviors that are not the most appropriate to have when someone is in a relationship and so we came to an agreement and decided that the best thing would be to separate. us and we will follow different paths. Of course you'll see him whenever you want, but..—A tear runs down her face and she wipes it away—our life will be different, but that doesn't mean that because your father and I don't meet together that we won't continue to love you.
Harry and Sam stood up and hugged their mother.
It is very sad what is happening, when I arrived, I remember it like it was yesterday. They welcomed me as well as if they already knew me, they seemed like such a perfect family. So sad to see this happen.I got up and joined the hug. We broke apart and Nikki went towards Tom and sat next to him, she hugged him and he collapsed. He cries so uncontrollably, it hurts.
The twins exchanged glances and when I looked at them I immediately understood the message.
We left the room so that Tom and Nikki could be more alone.We headed to the kitchen and the three of us started to prepare dinner.After we were done we set it on the table and sat down at the table and Nikki came back from the room and joined us. But Tom didn't join us.

Did I fall in love?|Tom Holland (ENGLISH VERSION)
FanficJulie is a 17-year-old teenager who moves to London where she will live with the Holland family. She adores this family, especially the twins Sam and Harry who make her laugh and get along the most, but one of the brothers, Tom, doesn't like the ide...