Strange New World

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Peggy's medical check-up at WOOHP took just a couple of hours, and once the tests were complete, the various doctors gave her a clean bill of health and let her go. Deciding she needed some time to fully process all that has happened, Carter headed to one of the observation lounges of the building, where she was able to gaze down through the viewing window at the city surrounding WOOHP headquarters. Carter had never been to Los Angeles, but she had seen the photos and had considered visiting once the war was over. However, while much of the layout was the same, the more modern buildings made the city seem to her more futuristic, like something out of a 'Flash Gordon' film serial.

 However, while much of the layout was the same, the more modern buildings made the city seem to her more futuristic, like something out of a 'Flash Gordon' film serial

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Peggy sighed to herself. She knew that waking up in this strange new world would take some getting used to, and she also had to accept that all her friends were no longer around, or at the very least, extremely old now. The only option left to her was to accept this fresh start that fate had bestowed on her and try to find some new purpose to her life. But however well she might adapt to this time and place, she knew deep down that part of her would always long for the one closest to her heart...

"Penny for them?" came a voice gently from behind.

Putting on a brave face, Peggy turned to see Spider-Woman coming over, her mask lowered down from her face and tucked around her neck. It was the first time that Carter had seen Sam's face, and she had to admit, the redhead superspy was attractive-looking, much like her teammates.

"Just trying to take all this in," said Peggy, gazing back at the city. "I mean all this feels so strange to me."

"I know what you mean," said Sam understandingly. "A couple of years ago, Clover, Alex and I got zapped twenty years into the future, and it was like stepping out onto an alien world."

"How did you get back?' asked Peggy.

"A time machine that Jerry built," said Sam. "Before you ask, it got dismantled after the event as it was decided that time travel is way too dangerous. Before that, we had to deal with a couple of baddies who've tried to change the past for their own ends, and that caused more than a few headaches I can tell you."

"I can imagine," said Peggy, slightly disappointed, but understanding of the decision. "Well, I'll just have to make the best of a bad job. Honestly, I should be grateful to be alive at all. So many people I knew never made it back from the front lines. Getting a second chance at life is something that few got a chance at."

"You know, we'll do our best to help you settle in," said Sam kindly. "You may find the 21st century isn't such a bad place to be in as you might imagine."

Just then, Sam's compowder began buzzing with its familiar ringtone, and as the superspy opened the device, Jerry appeared on the holographic screen with a grim expression on his face.

Just then, Sam's compowder began buzzing with its familiar ringtone, and as the superspy opened the device, Jerry appeared on the holographic screen with a grim expression on his face

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